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• Grant Application <br />Page 8 <br />Criminal Justice Program Number 82 - B _o_ 4 <br />1. PROBLEh4 STATEMENT (Brief and concise summary of the problem. Include specific data and cite <br />sources. Describe what is currently being done about the problem.) <br />1975 a polygraph and operator funded thru CJU was placed in Texarkana for the <br />eastern end of the Ark-Tex Region which has proven invaluable to Bowie County <br />and surrcunding counties. West ent of Region centers Paris and Sulphur Springs <br />as large departments and they are 100 miles or more from Texarkana or any other <br />polygraph system that can be acceptable in the Criminal Justice System. <br />2. ; PURPOSF OF P Q 1FC'T (Briefly describe what the project propases to do.) <br />Provide west end of Ark-Tex Region with polygraph facilities. <br /> <br />3. PROJF'CT RF.SnI1RC'FS (Resources needed by project to hring about change; i.e., staff, equipment, <br />office space, etc.) <br />Budget being balanced and cut, CJD financial assistance to purc hase the <br />equipment. Operator training has been programmed in 1982/83 training grant. <br />