<br />pabilitiea tu requiLe compli the aplicant
<br />A. Fhe 5t.fte a,«zs to t<ike necessacy action within State caance ~i'ith these d ssw~nces by
<br />~ eral overnment foi any ~eficiencies not resolved tu thc satisfaction of the Regional
<br />ur tu ussuiue responsibility <<~ the I~~.d K
<br />llircclor.
<br />The Applicant Certifies:
<br />sted is cfirible in accordance ~~'ith the criteria
<br />l3. (tu the br:t ut his kno"~~l~dge and be 1licit1) the f e disdcraastlefr i enucliuccif ul ~ruork ssisdescribed on each l~ederal Disaster Assislunce A m~n-
<br />tunce is reque
<br />~ ,1A) Nru)cct API~li ~tion Cor
<br />istr.~tion (I I)
<br />containcd in ?4 Code ol I~cdcral Rcgulutions, and I~l)AA 1111'U) Vlundb~~oks.
<br />!'iat it is Ihe leLul entity re~pon5ible under la~e for the performanee 01 tlie %N'ock detailed `~s acCcts lhereunder docs noi oc \N'ill
<br />ter cl f~ r'thc+saniell~ ss'tIumsunutl c1rc1su`i r,ccl, I cdcral assiti[anc~ ~ 1u
<br />li. 7 hat ~licatc ,bcncfitsrr~cciv~
<br />nut duE
<br />1:. fhLIt all iniormation;_iven by it hrrein is, to the best uf its knuwlcdge und beliet~, true and currect.
<br />nciul ussistance received under this applicution \Nill hc, or has been, expended in uccurdance with appGcable law and
<br />i~. That all fina
<br />rc,,ulutiuns [hcrcundcr.
<br />The Applicant Agrees:
<br />necessary for accumplishment uf tle ap-Stat ruved work or I~ederal funding.
<br />~o (1 ) prcrvide withuld an~l 'savehh `JUni ad Stateatlree from,ldumsces cluatu~ iic upp aY
<br />~ p~ovcd wuik; (2) ~y the l~cdccal Disaster As-
<br />Title Vl ut tlle Civil Kikhts Act uf 1964 (PL 88-352) und all requi[emcntti imposcd }i. Fo <<~~»~~ly with Administration pursuant t- r~ ,r~~~~ ~~r ~~tivity for
<br />ihat Citle to the end tt~iat, in acc~rdan~e with Title ~'~or~ea nom~ ~st~atuR, be~
<br />sisiance excluded
<br />person in the United States sllall, on the ground of race, color, reGgwn, n~t~~n~~ty, ~~x° I '
<br />f r anY P
<br />CI`, Tk1A~l it will
<br />com participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be othenvise subjected to di,crimination unde
<br />which the Appl~~dnt ~eceived I ~ederul financial assistancc iroin the Agc'ncY and HI~ ,KI!k3Y GIVI~.S ASSUKAN
<br />immediatcly takc any measures neccssery to eff'ectuate this egreement •
<br />casc of
<br />I. Ihat lti :tn~' real property or structure thE ista cepAdtn~iru trati~onT thi~d sur,ance s} all~obGgateit'he Applic1ant, assist or ance in e txhtc ju se)
<br />an transferee, for the period ducing which the reul property or structure is used or a F
<br />the AFI'~i,~'nt vy the l~ederal Disaster As5
<br />any transler ot such propcrty> Y
<br />isextended ot 1or anothe[ purpose involving the pioviscant f for siinilar
<br />i5 su rovided, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during w}tich it retains
<br />for wtuch the l~ederul financial assistance per od during
<br />e
<br />benefits. If any person~il pcoperty k~
<br />. ln all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the App
<br />ownership or p~ssession of the property
<br />which the Vederal financial asvstance is extended to it by 1'DAA.
<br />and all Pederal grants, loans, reimburse-
<br />That thc assurance is givcn in consideration of and for the purpose of obtainmg anY
<br />discounts or other [~edera] financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Ap-
<br />ments, advances, contcacts, property,
<br />P ents licant by I llAA, that such l ederal financi~,all'htd ecthe`ri~ t tots ekea dicial,enforcem`ent oprthinassuranceaThicam~n thc d'Se
<br />in this assuiunce and that the United States
<br />binding on the Applicant, its successors, tiansferees, dnd assignes hcant the pecson or persons whose signatures ap
<br />reverse arc authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the App '
<br />flood insucdnce as may be required foc the life oS the p[oject(s) for which l~edecal financial assistance
<br />btain and maintam an
<br />K. To obtain dnd maintain anY co erty which was reylaced,
<br />for acquisition or construction puiP°s s for buildings ~~r mobile homes was provided herein; an any d, to p oP
<br />•deinst further loss to
<br />othec insurance as may be reasonable, quate and necessary to protect agarestored, repaired or constructed with this assistance. cable standards
<br />L. That, as a condition Sor the grant, any repairs or construction financed herewith, shall be in accoidance with appli
<br />of safety, decencY and sunitation and in c~nd foimiry ith appGcahle codes, specifications and standards; and, to evaluate t e
<br />s of the *rant or loan are to be used and take appropriate action to mitigate such
<br />natural hazards in xceas in whicll the procstandards, including safe land use and construction practices.
<br />roects involving flexible funding under Section 402 or Section 419 unti] I'DAA makes a favoiable
<br />M. To defer fundin~ of any p 1
<br />enviionmentai cleaidnce determination, if this is required.
<br />TO RESOLUTION N0. 2_160
<br />HUD-490 (6-77)
<br />