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Exhibit "A" <br />AYt£NL?MENT O?+ OIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE <br />KNOW ALL MI;N BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT: <br />WHEREAS, SOHIO PETROLFUM COMPANY, a Uelaware Corporation <br />hereinafter referred to as Lessee is the present owner of all <br />rights, titie, and iriterest that certain Oil, 'as and <br />Mineral Lease dated January 1_3! 1982, executed by the City af <br />Paris, a Mun~cipal Corporation, actine,; b,y and through i.ts Mayor, <br />Bili,y Joe Burnett, as Le;;;.;or, and recorded i_n Oil and Gas Re- <br />nords, Volume 15, Page 649, C;ounty Clerk'S Offi.ce, I,arnar County, <br />Texas, covering certain lcats, parcels and./cr tracts of land <br />situated in the said County and State, as mc,re particularly de- <br />scribed in said Lease, reference to said Lease and the recording <br />thereof being made for all_ pur.poses; <br />ATqD WHEREAS, it is the desire of both the Lessor and <br />.Lessee to reform said Lease so as to amend an erroneous date of <br />a certain Resolution No. 213'3F passed by the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, said date oi Pc?sol.ution No. 2133 uvritten <br />into'said Lease as "14th day of December, 1982"; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consi_der3tion of the premises arid o-(;her <br />valuable consideration, the and su_fficiency of which are <br />hereby ackriowledged, the undersigned, dul.y authorized by Resolu- <br />±ion No. 2184 , pa.ssed by the City Cauncil of the City of <br />Paris on the 21st day of Ju:-ie , 1982, as Lessor, <br />hereby agrees with Lessee that said Lease is hereby reformed and <br />amended so that said date of Resolution No. 2133 reads to be the <br />"14th day of December, 1981". Lessor hereby in all things adopts, <br />ratifies and confirms said as the same is hereby amended, <br />and hereby grants, leases, and lets all of tr,e acreage referred <br />to herein unto Lessee subject to and under the terms and provisions <br />of said Lease; and said Lease is expressly affirmed, ratified and <br />declared to be effective anci binding for all purposes as of the <br />date hereof. <br />The pr.ovisions hereof shall extend to and be binding upon <br />the heirs, successors, legal r.epresentitives and assigns of the <br />parties hereto. <br />ixecuted this 21st Jay ofL' June <br />, 1982. <br /> <br />i <br />, oe Graham, Mayor <br />ATTEST : <br /> <br />H. C. Green4- City Clerk ~ <br />~ <br />