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EXHIBIT "A" <br />Roscoe & Edith ,7ones <br />610 26th Street, SE <br />Lot l, Block 7, Tanglewood Addition <br />A 50 foot wide temporary const°ruction easement and a 30 <br />foot wide permanent easement located wi.thin the City Limits of <br />Paris, Texas, being part of Lot 1, Block I, of the Tanglewood <br />Addition in said City and whose centerlines are further des- <br />cribed as follows: <br />'Fifty Foot Temporary Construction Easement: <br />Begin at a paint that bears N 600 14' E, 25.0 feet from <br />the Southern most corner of said Lot l; said point being on <br />the Southeastern line of said Lot l; <br />Thence N 290 26' W, par_allel to and 25 feet from the <br />Southwestern line of said Lot l, a distance of 90.2 feet, more <br />or less, to the Northweatern line of said Lot l, the termination <br />point of said centerline. <br />Thirty Foot Permanent Utility Easement: <br />Begin at a point that bears N 600 14' E, 15.0 feet from <br />the Southern most corner of said Lot 1, said point being on <br />the Southeastern line of said Lot l; <br />Thence N 290 26' W, parallel to and 15 feet frorn the <br />Southwestern line of said Lot l, a distance of 90.8 feet, <br />more or less, to the Northwest.ern line of said Lot l, the <br />termination point of said centerline. <br />