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~sr~~1~~hTD A ) I'()1$11I O7'` ~1.~iRI~L~1ZErrTT EXHIBIT ~~A~~ <br />ns Adoptcd 13y <br />~•-''llE ''I~;XAS SLCI'lUN U!~ 7'lIl_; /1AIL;ItICAN 5UC11~;'1'' Ul~ CIVIL l;NG1N1:l:1tS <br />Uc:tobcr 7, 1971 <br />lteviscd Novcmbcr 17, 1928 <br />Revised April 15, 1932 <br />Revised Oclabcr 27, 1934 <br />Itevised October 19, 1945 <br />Revised April 8, 1954 <br />Revised April 21, 1960 <br />Revised Octobcr 7, 1971 <br />Approved as lo Lega! Form by <br />Legal Cvunsel <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY oF__.-LlaT.1A_TL_J <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entcred into 4his_2-th day of Alin <br />A. D. 19_°_` , by and betN+,ecn t?`ie CI iY.__QE_L'~AT,-TS <br />c>£ the Ccunty of_T. n^_i r State of Texas, actin~,r throubh <br />its :-iayor, Joe Graharl <br />ihereunto dul`, authorized so to do, <br />Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed 0NVNf:1c, and- <br />B u: B Equi~r-aent Comoan <br />of the City of _Paris C;ounty of ra,-,a,- <br />and State of Pariy of the Sucor,d Part, 1)ereinafter teriTied <br />CONT'RACTOFi. <br />WITNESSETH: That for and in consideratior-, of t}:c payments and agrcements herein- <br />after mentioned, to be mdde and performed by the Yarty of the FirsL Part (ONYNLIt), and under <br />the conditions expressed in the 1,oi:d bearing c;ven date herewith, the said Party of the Second <br />Part (C4NTRACTOk), hereby agrees with the s.:id Part), of the First Part (0WNER) fo <br />commence and comp]ete t};e construc:tion of certain rmprovc-ments descriLed as follows: <br />Butternilk Creek Drainage Pr.oject, Phase IV <br />and all c>:tra wor}c in connection therewiih, under the terrns ;is stated in the Gerleral Conciitions <br />of the Agreement and a± his (or their) own propcr cost and expense to furnish all the materials, <br />supplies, machinery, equipmeni, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories <br />and services necessary ta camplete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and <br />prices statied in the Proposal uttac};ed hereto, and in accord:ince with the Notice to Contractors, <br />Ger,erai anci Speciai Conditions of Agreement, I'laris and other drawings and prirted or written <br />explanatory matter thereof, and the Specifications ancl addenda therefor, as prepared by <br />T~, i nk n nP n r <br />herein cirti11e(1 t.~e E1`'CINE1;1t, e:ich <)f which ha~~ beeii i(lriilif'ie(l l) ' N' ilir (;UNTRA('1'Oli :uic1 <br />lhc I;NGIIvEf;R, togeiher with the CONTitAC;7'UWS ',vrillen 1'roj)u.:il, the Cenrr:ii Cuuciitio~ns <br />uf the agrcement, ancl the Perfurm:ince aiicl I':iymeill Ro~ncls h(ireto :itt:ichcd ; :ill af \1'IIiC}1 arc mucic <br />a p:irt hcrcuf :un(l colleckively evic3cncc :1n(l ccin;litu(c the entire ciintr:ic•1. <br />SF-2 (D 6, 7.... t--. escc 1073 <br />