(6) That alI buildin,,,,,s, structures, r:dditinns, ti.xtures anci
<br />improvel7ienrs rnac1e npon or ndde.l to th,_: lcasc=;i prerniscs oz any
<br />part thereof shall <<r oncc bccornw rlle proper? v <>f L,cssor, an~.~l bi'~
<br />Sur.ren~.~ez-ed t<<> Lessclr rit ti-ie t::;rwina',Jon of rhi.s,
<br />(7) That Lessec will tlelivc-;r ro Lcs:,ttr ~inzlually a vf:riried
<br />coPSr of the audit of its books and acCOunr.s r1ot l~lLer i:han thii-ty (30)
<br />days aftex Deeember lst of etzcti year or part of a year covered by
<br />rhis lease.
<br />(S) Tt~~~r I,essOe willl1c.>t sublet rhe ronted p_ierrlises or ariy
<br />part Lherec~f wzr.hotit t~he corlst.r:t ir1 tvriting of Lessor tir-sr tiad and
<br />obta.1C1C'.'l~, pS'O't'IdE'.d, hi)«'f.'t'er'D i.f}~li St1Ct1 C'.oI1Sc.J1i: I71<:1y bc~ g1VCii r)y C("?f.',
<br />~
<br />' ^ o~ ~ r ~ . ~ ~ ,T , ~
<br />zty tv~ ~~na~~.x ir. t~~ ~ r: v~~~~t sl3~~l~ ~_~t,~,l. ~tti~~~, r~~~ ~:ed orie wcek.
<br />(9) Lessee a;rees to :.;ave, r.cc~_'t.7 t,n~? lcolc1 harr-f-Ilcss
<br />Lessor from and agaanst any inti 11 cl(11»,i,i,_i:;, c]ebrs, liabilities, suit
<br />claims and c<<u ;,~~s of action of e,~erv :ind ciiaracr.ci- whar.;;oc:vee_
<br />for ciarnage o:r i1ljtzries to pet-sorzs az1c?/017 pi-olDOr-ty OccUzririg On the
<br />leased premises resLilt:iijg frorn I,cssee's i,esscc='s sub-I:~sSee
<br />or any tenant of I,essce, ant:l I_:e:ssor stiall nor bc; liab.ie to [-e ,see, zts
<br />employees, invitees, patrons, licensees ox- visitors iliie r.c> t(Ze build-
<br />ings or otli~.,r strLlctures thercnn beint; inlpx-op<:r:ly c.onstructed or
<br />being or hecoinin; oiit of repaiz-, I,csse.o hereby waivi,,.; any defects
<br />Ct1E'.T'e1T1 Firid 11gT'E'.tilnti in 1"IblCi aIi.i SavG L('SS41 ri;?I"+:I"llt',SS fl Gi17 a1l
<br />Cla1ITiS fOr aiTlji SUCtl ChCIir gC'S C)2' I?lf t12"1E;5, ;]Ilil !+'c;see Shail aC1d i"T;liSt
<br />aC all C1I11eS CjuI1T14?' C}lE', iE'T'nl Oi lht~; <`ICly
<br />ttiereof, keep ancl mninr.ai.n i11 f';i11 force <111;1 c,ffect ~,t pol[c:y or° po]iciLs
<br />of insurance, pr-ovAng at 1:,ast $ 100, 000. ()0 p.,r- person an:i
<br />$300,000.00 for any sii~~,,~,le oc:currctlcc for bodi1y injury oi du~at~ ~~IIzJ
<br />$25, 000. 00 for any sincdc oc ct:l-,-c:°l1cc fo;- ir,jtlr}' ro oi- cic~~? i-llcrir>~1 of
<br />P!'UpC:L"ty, I.1"1C~C'.IllilklS':if1t; :i'ti pP?'sC??:t; fC)I' 21I1y aild ;11i l~<ICi~_l~,?~:;>, 1)t~.3'SO11~11
<br />injurxes oz- pz-opez-ty daniagos sdrstained in or upon the pcetitses of
<br />~ ..~v n ~ f.r...«4~r.- . ~
<br />