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Lease No.: DTFA07-81-L-01106 <br />VHF Dissction Firlder Site <br />Pario, Texaa <br />f}~s- lease-e~--a~y-~eeedi~--~ease-(-~.~}e~ges-te ~e-~re~ritses tr~-~reeei~ree-~att~~-~ragr$~- ~:{a};'~-{b}and--~:{e}a~is3ve, <br />ordlinary wear and tear, damage by nature elements and by circumstances over which the..6e,vetfiment has no <br />control, excepted) or (2) make an equitable adjustment in the lease am.q,unt-fbr7he~cost of such restoration of the <br />prerruses or the dinunution of the value of the premises ~f.iuarest6rea, whichever is less. Should a mutually acceptable <br />settlement be made hereunder, tllepariies-siTatI enter into a suppleinental agreement hereto effecting such agreement. <br />Failure to agree_ta~ay-suc7~equitable adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a questioil of fact within the meaning <br />c~£-€'~a~tse:(Te€-t~is-lease---•-____._________.... _ <br />disptite-<,effeetr4ng &-qaeslieg-e€ faeE-afising-uiider the <br />ll. reduce his <br />L,ease which is not disposed of by agreernent shall be decided by the Contracting Officer who sha <br />decicion to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy t}iereof to the Lessor. The decisien6f~the Contracting <br />Officer sliall be fiiial and coriclusive unless within 30 days frorn the date of recej,pt-c7f such copy, the Lessor mails <br />or otherwise furnishes to the Contracting Officer a written appeal add sseci to the Secretary, Department of <br />Tra.lsportation. The decision of the Secretary or his duly .41 ized representative for the deterrnination of such <br />appeals shall be final and conclusive unless determiuec+b_Y_] court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, <br />or capric;ous, or arbitrar}; or so grossl _e+rofieous as necessarily to imply bad iaith, or not supported by substantial <br />evidence. In connection wit}3_aFfy-appeal proceeding under this clause, the Lessor shall be afforded an opportunity <br />to be heard and to- ~)f-krr evidence in support of its appeal. Pending Cinal decision of a dispute hereunder, the L,essor <br />sliall proceed'Aigently wit}i tlle performance of the L.ease and in accordance with the Contracting Officer's <br />(b } This-c1ause-does-net--p_r#4ucle-eoflsi:~t"I -c>1'-laiv-c}aast ions in cormec~ic44 -wiilt c~eEisie_ ~s }~rovided €or <br />_ <br />_m_a_king_final the decision of any <br />in paragraph (a) above; PROVIDED, That notk~ingr.he Lxase shafl fi~ rnns~iue'd as _ <br /> <br />adr~~inistiafi~-e~~ia2;=~c~}~esefrta~+ve;o~E~ar~ <br />7. No Member of Congress or Resident Conunissioner stiall be admitted to any share or part of this lease, <br />or to any benefit to arise tlieref'rom. <br />8. The Lessor warrarits that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this <br />lease upon an agreement or understanding for a comnussion, brokerage, percentage or contingent fee, except bona <br />fide employees ur bona Cde establis}ie(l aommercial ur st:iling ;igencies maintained by the Lessor for the purpose of <br />securing busiiiess. For breach or violation of this warranty, t}Ye Government shall liave the right to annul tlus <br />lease without liability, or in its discretion to deduct from amounts otherwise due under this lease or other considera- <br />ti«n, the full anmunt of such commission, brokerage, percentage, or co»tingent fee. <br />9. All notices sent to the parties under the lease shail be addressed as follows: <br />City of Patie, TeRBs <br />To the Lessor: Post Off iee SoX I4237 <br />Paris, Tezag 75460 <br />To the Government: ~epattment of Trattsportatiun, Federsl Avisticstz Administration, <br />P. 0. Box 1669, Att+PnCion: ASW-56. Fort Warth, Texas 76101 <br />FAA FORM 4423-2 Pg. 3(8-76) Supersedes Previous Edition <br />