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<br />RESOLt1TION NO. 2075 . <br />WHEREAS, Article 4436a-Z of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes <br />requires that the Advisory Board oE Health oE ttle City of Paris and <br />County of Lamar shall consist of seven (7) members who are resi- <br />dent citizens of Lamar Countv wha have resided within the County <br />for a period of more than three (3) years next preceding the time <br />of their appointmentS; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Council did heretofore in P~esolution No. <br />1705 provide that a doctor of veterinary medicine be appointed an <br /> member of the Advisory Board of Health of the City of <br />Paris and County of Lamar; and, <br />WHEREAS, the terms of office oE William deG. Hayden, <br />Richard Be.rcher, James Deatherage anci Mrs. Robert Norment, as <br />members, and Wallace F. Kraft as an ex-officio member, will ex- <br />pire on December 31, 1980, and it is necessary to fill the vacancies <br />created by the expirar.ion of theiz• terms; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Paris, Michael E. Malone, <br />has recommended the re-appointrnents oE William deG. Hayden, <br />Richard Bercher, James Deatherage and Mrs. Robert Norment, <br />who continue to be qualified, as members, and Wallace E. Kraft <br />as ex-officio member; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT 1ZESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, Zhat the re-appointments to the Advisory Board of Health of <br />the C.ity of Paris and County of Lamar of William deG. Hayden, <br />Richard Bercher, James Deatherage and Mrs. Robert Norment, as <br />members, and Wall.ace E. Kraft as ex-officio member, for a term <br />of two (2) years, beginning January l, 1981 and ending December 31, <br />1982, be, and the same are hereby approved and contir. med by Lhe <br />City Council of the CitST of Paris. <br />Passed and adopted this 8th day of December, 1980. <br />Michael E. Malone, Mayor <br />.A TTEST: <br />1-- <br />H. C. Gren e, City lerk <br />APPROVED S TO FORM: <br /> <br />T. K. Haynes, City Attorney <br />Approved by the Comrnissioners Court by adoption of the above <br />resolution on the day of , 19 as reflected in <br />Book , Page , of the Minutes of said Commissioners Court. <br />I3rady Fisher, County ,Judge, <br />Lama.r County, Texas <br />