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FIi:LI) i10'i'ES <br />Si.tuated wiGhin klie corporate liinits of [=1ac Cit.y at Praris, County <br />of Lam3r and State of Texas, a part oE tllc Joseph Leach Survcy <br />#524, and being all of the tr«ct of lar,cl convoyed to Faris <br />Independent Sctioal District by f3ocd recortlccI iri Vol. 623, <br />page :11 of the Ueed Records of szticl coumc:y and state, arici <br />ine1 uJ-1 ~l aportiort of ttie lanel eailvc>yed to Yriri s Indepenciecii: <br />SctlooJ. Uistric;t by 0. L. Rainey ancl rec:ordled irZ Vo1, 566, <br />page 789 , of the I?eed Recor_ds of Lam,ir Courity, T'uxas, <br />BEGINNZNG at an iron pin for corner in tile i?ast Boundary <br />Line of 30Ch at a goint 133.5 fc.cot SoutYi of the Present NW <br />corner of the R.F. Thonipson tract of lancl, recorded in Vo2. 204, <br />page 600 of the r)eed Records of Lamar. County, Tex<is. <br />THENCE Sauth along Lhe EB of said 30th N.E. a distance <br />of 50 feet to a stal.e far corrler, said point being 133.5 feet <br />north of the SGJ corner of the Tliompson traet of Iand. <br />THENCE East parallel tnc SI3 l.ine of saici Thompson Cract <br />of land 801 feet Co a stal:e zn the EB line of the saici 'I'hompson <br />tract of land, alsa being 133.5 feet NortEi of the SE corner of <br />said Tiiompsor~ tracL of Iand: Said point being heginning of a <br />curve ta ttie rzght. <br />TIIENCE South easterly 84,72 teec along said 149.51 feet <br />radius curve Co a point bcainF_ crld c.~f said curvc t_o tighL and <br />begiiiiiing of a curve to the leFt. <br />THENCE Soutll eastei-1y I13.05 .`eet al()tlf; saicl curve (-)f i-aclius <br />199.51 feet to a poitzt. <br />THECdCE easterly 50 feet along a Iine parallel t:o an exlension <br />of the south line of the aforesik-,ntioned '1"t:orng:;on tracC ta apaint, <br />TiiENCE Pdartti SO ff;,et a1an, a Iiiie p~~rpc~~dicul~~r to tlie i:umc~- <br />diately aforecrent:ioned e'asterly licie. <br />TIiENCE 6-Test 50 feeC aloiig a lizie parallcl to the ai:o~-e- <br />nientioned, easterly line ta a poi.nt, said poinr be:itig the beginning <br />of a curve to tlle rigt7t, <br />THENCE Nort;r westerl_y 8~+.72 £eet alozzg s~iid 149.51 feee: r~ciius <br />curve to a point bezng the end of s~iid curve and rhe be~;inriing <br />of a curve to the 1e.rt. <br />'I'HEIvCE North weskerly I13e05 feeL along said 199.51 fecr_ <br />radius curve ta a poi.iit. <br />TIiENCE jlest para11e1 witli the NB ? ine of the Thompson t:ract <br />of 1and 801 feet to the plzce of bce <br />