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BLOCK NO, 11j <br />Situated witrin tre corporate limits of the City of Paris, <br />Lamar County, Texas a part, of the Larkin-Rattan Sur ey, and <br />beir<<;!$lock 16, Gibbons-Braden Addition to the City of Paris, <br />Texas, which was described in deed from Lala B_.lle Pomroy, John <br />Don Pomroy and PeF,;y Jack Wylie to Nathan Be11, dated June 20, <br />1979, Recorded Book 614, PaETe 975, Deed Records, Lamar County, <br />Texas, and bein~; more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNIPIG at a point bein- the center of a concrete water- <br />way, on the NB line of said B1ock 10, same bein; SB line of <br />Cedar Street, 126 feet from the NW corner of said Block 16 same <br />bein;'r; the SE corner of the intersection of Cedar Street and <br />17rh Street SE; <br />THENCE East a1on;; t',:e NB line of said Block 16, a distance <br />of 15.1 feet; <br />THENCE Soutr: o° 40' West a distance of 304 feet to the SB <br />lir,e of said Block lo, same bein ; the NB lirie of Jackson Street; <br />THENCE West alor,; the SB line of said B1ock 13 a distance <br />of 40.2 feet; <br />THENCE NortY) 6° 40' East a distance of 304 feet to the <br />NB line of said B1ock 16 <br />THENCE East a1ong the NB line of Block 16 a distance of <br />25,1 feet to the point of be,;irning and containing 0.28 acres <br />of land, more or less . <br />