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' ~ - - ; - - - - - _ _ <br />- <br />ADDENDUNi N0. 2 <br />1 T0 <br />AGREEtIENT FOR ENGxNEERZNG SERVICI;S _ <br />' . CYTY Ok PARxS, TEYAS • - ' - <br />and the <br />Robert B. Haytex, dba Hayter Engi~xeezxn~~ ~ <br />WHEREAS, <br />City of Par~.s, acting by and through ~.t. s dul,~ `~u~har ~97Q r.n fp~~: ~ w - <br />~.ic~ jointly en-er into an.a~reee ~entsa toctthegCzty `s , sewage ~xeat~• <br />. engineering services for improv <br />ment facilities ancl deyelopme~ed r,archa25, 1.975,sand;?ge S~`stem; , - <br />and. Addenduui No. 1 thereto da , . - . _ . . . - . - - <br />EREAS Robext B. Hay ter, i dba Hay ter ~Engine er s now a : <br />WH , <br />ro~essional corporation-.of the State of Te~:as and tcnown as _ <br />p Inc _ , and,: . . . . - a : . ~ <br />Hayter Engineering, - _ • . . <br />~tJHEtLEAS, both partiesmL.tually agree be3resuized°znrthe _ <br />• covers other engineering servi.ces as may 9. <br />amended lan of stud.y, i.e. flaod <br />developrnent of the projecC, P, <br />tudies lan of financing, etlvzronrnentaZ.n~ustrialtpreh~.s--~. - - <br />plazn s , P <br />torical. clearan~t~ionsl and the~projectideveloprnent wzthin. the * <br />trea tment a. egul. > . . <br />prograra requirements. adopted b~ t QualT~Y }}al~oaza}xa~ ceIn~he~E~nva r_on~- <br />Resources (formerXy Texas Cdat _.mental. Protection Agency . - . . . . ' ° _ <br />' THEREFORE BE xT AGKEED to by the part~.e~ohea~~va~h P~~~t1 <br />- <br />NOI~ <br />£oixowin~;.addztions and modificati.ons are macley • - - - <br />said contract. <br />• . SECTION Vt - - : : . - - <br />THE ENGX.NFER' S COmPEt~SATION <br />l.l be compensatect fox as. set fortl~. a_n Section VI,. <br />A.11 services sha ercentage fee nf" the can-, <br />xtein B. Any 'and all xeferences to a p irn roveiaents is hereby <br />stxuction cast o f the'~facil.i.ty plan P <br />voi dect _ . - . • . . • . - _ _ • . ~ . - _ <br />ineer's reimbursement for direct 11on-stx _EyP.ense and". <br />The Eng <br />sub-contract.expense shall be at h~.s actua co <br />da of 1979. : _ . <br />. Ex e c u t e d tlI i s.______ _ Y CITY OF kARIS <br />By . rlictiae Plalone, rSay~r <br />E~179ST: <br />It . C. Gx'eene, Ci ty C erk . <br />- ~ Page ~ of 2 <br />EXHZBIT A <br />