sTnTc oF TExAs
<br />couNTY or TRnv i s
<br />VEIiICI.(: [,I:ASf; AND '1'ORT IN►)I;hWITY" r1(;i'.i'.1'~~`~tFN"➢'
<br />ThiS motor vehicl.e lc:aae is rnaae betwe.en the Texas [7eVa7•tment ot HealttY
<br />pursuant to the Acts af the Sixty-Fourth Legis2attire, Rcgular.• Session, page 832,
<br />at page 847, Section 10, with its pr_izicipal place of business at. ] i00 West 49th
<br />5tieet, Austin, Travis County, 'I'exas, 78756, hk.rein referrcd to as I.essor <+nd
<br />the City of Par.i.s, acting
<br />by and t:hrouoh its auly cortszitut:ed City Cotmc_il
<br />wit'k-a ~its princiPal placc „f bu,incss at
<br />Past Office Box 1037, 135 lst Sout}ieast, Paris, Texas 75460,
<br />hereinafter referred to as Lessec>.
<br />5ubject to the terms ancl conclition>> hereof, Lessor loases to 3,essee and
<br />Lessee hires fx•om Lessor the motor vehicles and equipment descril>eci in the sepa:r<xtc:
<br />sc.hedules annexed hez•eto arid a11 separate scllectules liereinaftex• executed, whicFi
<br />schedules are made ancl such arE: made a part herenf with the s.smi i'c>rce and effect
<br />as if this lease were rewr::.tten and executed at the time each scrrnrate schedule is
<br />made a part hereof, foi• a term beginning on the date each s:;ch ve}licle and its
<br />equiprnent is delivered to the )..cssee, and cantinuing therc:;:ftcr irr.til t.erminated.
<br />Said vehicles and ec{uipment are to hc> used :in the normal ancl orliniry course oi'
<br />Lessee's Emergency htedical Service, herein referre.d to as I:Mti, upon the t.erms and
<br />conditions set for'th in Lhis 1ease and as set forth respectiveIy in the applicable
<br />separate sctaeciule annexed he:reto now and hereafter made apnrt i,ereof,
<br />SI:CTII)N 'I"WO
<br />!vA'I'IiRE: OF CON'1'P.'1CT
<br />As to taaigible persvnal prolacrty, thzs is a contx•act c7F leas ing unly. "rhc
<br />Lessee does not, by these presents acqu:ire any right, titl.c, or i.ntercst irw o- to
<br />the prapert-.y cle;cribea in th:s leasing agreement.
<br />rVtiereas a tederal grant for the }:stablis}umeTYt and iriti<iI Operat:ions of
<br />E:mergency Medical Service5 Systems was awarded to the 'I'exas [ic:pirtmexit of klclal tti
<br />in .Jwne, 1977 in ordcr to ful£ill the requixemenrs of ti,ti• 1:MS txrant
<br />No. U6-H-000571-01, awarded by the Department af Elealth, Eclucat i:,n, and w'elfarth,
<br />and iii consi{ierati.on thereof, the Lessee agree.s to the followirg rondi_ti_ons:
<br />T'he I,assee agrees that, by the end nf the project year, ti:c rhTS Anbulance
<br />Utiit will be stafted otl a`'4-ho;rr hasis by ERffs-Basic, provici.ed titat such train-
<br /> is available wi.thin the Ark-Tex Council c;t Gavernments area.
<br />I,essor shall riot tae liab1L for• loss of ox• dama.c=,e to unv propcrty Zeft, stared,
<br />loticied, or txansportuci in C7I' llpi)?7 ariy veliicle or equipment i`urnished by Lessor
<br />to the I,essee pursuant tu this lc:-«e. t.cssor shall not he liahle foi• loss or damage
<br />to any vehicle or equipment pursis;snt to thi.s lcase, causecl by cc>:lision, fireY
<br />governmental action, theFt, transportati1m, tornado, wi.ndstorm, eartiiquake, or
<br />conversian by an agent or employee of the Lessee. '1'he I,esse•e shNll cause its
<br />agent:s and employees to take a?l reasor.atrle steps to sa{c:guarr1 tiaid vrhicles and
<br />cquipment and to cooperate with l essor in eff'ectinr; recnvery frc±m any person c7r
<br />persons liabIe for loss or damagc to said vehicles a17r1 c:qu;prncnt.
<br />If a'✓ehicle or equipment £ur•niwilcd by iessor to tliu [osscc~ nursA<int to
<br />this agreement is involved in any acc, ient the !:cssen sh,711 ccll!sc its :zgeT7ts
<br />arld employees to notify Lessor thereuf :irnrriediately hy telephone. Thcreafter,
<br />as soan as practi.cahle, the I.tsssee shall repol`t to I,essor in writing all
<br />information relative to the accider:t. 'Che Lessee, its aKe»ts anct employees,
<br />shall cooperate fully with I,essor and the instirer in the iTavcstigatioi7 and
<br />defense of any cl<,im or suit, .;nu shall ,;lo nothing to impai_r or invaliaate any
<br /> insurance coverage.
<br />'t'he I:e.ssee sha11 promptly dc1:ivE:r to Lessor any and a11 papez•s, ilotices,
<br />s;unmonses, process and documeT,ts whitsoever served upon or delivr_red to the Lessee,
<br />the I,essee's agents or employees in ct>>incction wiTh any elaim, spii. ~!,_tion, c.rr
<br />procec:dirtg at law or in equity commencecl or YhreatE:ned agr3i_:sst I R,s,.or :arising out
<br />