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PERIVORMANCE 130ND <br />STATE 0F TE-XAS . t . <br />COU~,''l'-v OF I <br />KNOW ALL a;IEN FY THESE PRESLNTS _ That----.----- <br />-of the City of_ <br />Coztnty of_ - _ , and State of_`-- ~as <br />principal, and <br />aut'nozlzecl tmder the laws of the State of Texas to zct as surety on honds for principals, ar.e held <br />and firmly bound unto (Owner), <br />in the penal sum of nollars - ) <br />for tne payment svhereoE, the said Principai and Surety bind. themselv6s, a-nd their heirs, <br />administrators, execuLLors, sttccessors a-nd assigns, jointly and severally, by_ these prese*ts: <br />jV:I1E~2Eca.S, <br />tha Yrineip:al ha:i encereci icito a cp-rtain writtzn <br />contraci with the <br />t?wner, <br />dated tbe <br />_dZy oz - <br />~ 7.9 <br />, to <br />Which contract is hereby referretl to a-nd made a part tiereoi as fully and to the same extent <br />. as if copi°d at leng-tth herein. NpAV, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF TI-IIS OBLIG ATIOV 7 a SUCII, that: if thr <br />said Principal shali fait'nfullp perform sazd Contract a-nd shall in a11 respects c1uIy ancl faitbfully <br />observe and perforrci all and singular the covenants, conditions a-nd agreements in ancl b,y said <br />centract agreecl a-nd covenantecl by the Principa] to be observed and performed, and aecorclina to <br />t~e trae intent and meanino uf saicl Contract a-nd the Plans ar.d SpecificaLion : here4o aj-inexea, <br />then this oblibation shall be void; otherNvise to remain in full force ai1d eifect; <br />PROVIDED, HOIVE'4rER, -that tnis bond is execttted pursuant ta the pruvisions of Article 5160 of t'ne Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amenc?ed by the acts af the 58th Le_,-islature, Reb ilar <br />Session, 1959, a-nd aIl liabilities on this boncl shall be determir.ecZ in accoz-dance Nvith the Provisions <br />of said ArticIe to the same extent as if it zvez-° copied at len~s;th herein. <br />Surety, for value receivecl, stipulat2s ancl a~'ees that no ch:!nae, extension af time, alteration <br />ot- a;lcliiion to the te.-ms of ~he contract, or to the ivarl: peiioi-med thereunder, or the plans, <br />ob1.it7ation on this <br />specific.Ltions, or draNvin-s accompanying the same, shwll in anytvise af:fect its <br />PB-1 <br />