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Lessor's Airport Mana~er. ~lfter affording Lessee such hearing <br />rhF:., Airpor-t Advisory 130~1-r.c] r-c"commena tc> ttle City <br />that the lease continue or be term:inated, and thcreafter the City <br />Colincil sllall ta]<e sucl-i action as it deeins necessary. <br />16. That the City may a.t its optioxi termi nate ttiis lease as <br />to the entire traet, or anypart thereof, wllich rnay be necessary, <br />in the evcnt the City desi.res to use the property, or any portioii <br />thereof., for necessary municipal functions, sucil as extcnsion of <br />runways or erection of other a.irport facilit.ies. In the event of <br />either of the above contingencies thc C.ity shall give the Lessee <br />ninety (90) days notice in writin(T of its intention to so utilize the <br />tract, or any portion thereof, for the above specified purposes. <br />In the event this option is exercisecl by the City, the unearned por- <br />tion of the rental payment shall be refunded to Lessee. <br />17. That if at any time said buildilib or. grounds s3~a11 be- <br />comc dilapi.dated, uncared f.or ox become unsightly, thu Lessor niay, <br />aftcr thirty (30) ciays written notice to Lessee, terminate said lease <br />and rernove said buildin;4 <br />18. The terms of this lease are birldin~ on and the benefits <br />herein inure to the successors and assigns of Lessee. <br />Executed on the dates s1lown in ackriowledcrcments below. <br />CITY OF PARIS, I'ARIS, TEXAS <br />}3y : <br />~ TTI~ST: Ker-ry R. Sweart, City Manager <br />Il. C. Green(;, City Clerk LLSSOR <br />TnMMY CORYORATION <br />}3}~ : <br />A TTI~`S-1-: W• Gourley, ~[~'resici~nt <br />1 1 <br />