<br />WHEREAS, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department of ~he
<br />State of Texas will entertain applications for grants for additional
<br />recreational facilities on a 50-50 basis; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the ~;ity of Paris desires to utilize the Wise Field
<br />property, which fronts on and lies between 4th Street, S. W, and 6th
<br />Street, S. W. , in the 500 and 600 Blocks of said streets, containing
<br />6. 38 acres and being the same property conveyed the City of Paris
<br />by M. F. Wise and Alan B. Wise in ~eed dated October 22, 1925,
<br />recorded Book 211, Page 540, Deed Records, Lamax County, Texas,
<br />for athletic purposes, and in particular for an additional baseball
<br />facility; and,
<br />WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of said facility will
<br />be $60, 000. 00, exclusive of land; NOW, THEREFORE,
<br />PARIS:
<br />1. That an application be made to the Texas Parks and
<br />Wildlife Department for a grant in an amount, which is presently
<br />estimated to be $30, 000. 00, with the City of Paris providing the
<br />balance in in kind services and funds.
<br />2. That Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager of the City of Paris,
<br />Paris, Texas, is hereby, on behalf of the City of Paris, authorized
<br />and directed to execute and to file such application for grant and an
<br />assurance of compliance with all of the requirements for said grant,
<br />to execute such contract or contracts as may be necessary for the
<br />grant applied for, to provide such information and furnish such docu-
<br />ments as may be required by said Department, and to act as the
<br />authorized correspondent and representative for the accomplishment
<br />of the project.
<br />3. That Joe N. McCollum, Director of Community Development
<br />of the City of Paris, be, and he is hereby designated Project Director.
<br />4. That the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, be, and it
<br />is hereby assured of full compliance by said City with Title VI of the
<br />Civil Rights Act of 1964; Department of Interior Regulation 43CFR 17;
<br />and Office of Management and Budget Circulaxs Nos. A-87, A-95 and
<br />A -102.
<br />Passed and adopted this 28th day of November, 1977.
<br />~ ,
<br />,
<br />a ter F. il iams, Mayor Pro Tem
<br />ATTEST:
<br />H. C. Gr ene, City ClCer~k
<br />APPROVED' ; " TO FORM:
<br />~
<br />T. I<. Ha nes, City Attorney
<br />