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AP,TICI.T•: 17 - nefinitions. <br />(a) Joint-use costs - T1ie'costs vF feritiires used for any two <br />or more project ptirposes. <br />(b) Project investment costs - The initial cost of the Project, <br />including: land acquisition; construction; interest during construction <br />on the value of land, lahor, and materials use<1 for P1.lnning and <br />construction of the Project. <br />(c) Specific costs - Tlie costs of Project fearures normally <br />serving only one particular Project'purPose. <br />(d) Interest during construction - An amount of interest which <br />accrues on exPenditures for the establishment of Pruject services <br />during the period between the actual outlay and the time the Project <br />is first macie available to User for cvater stora~e." <br />ITF?t 5: I:xllibits A and Ii of. the contract are deleted, and new I:xliibits <br />A, B, anct C, reflecting the applieation of actual final project costs <br />to the initial 21,900 acre-feet of ivater suPPly storage covered in the <br />original contract (Storage SPace TIo. I) and the aclditional 21,900 acre- <br />feet of storage space herein designatecl for present use (Storage Space <br />No. 2) and 65,800 acre-feet designated as remaining for fiiture use <br />storage, are attached hereto and substituted therefor. <br />ITFrt 6: Article 7c is hereby modifie<1 by; (1) Deleting from the f.irst <br />sentence "in a ltimp sum, or annually with intcrest :it 3.137 percent," <br />and; (2) Deleting the period after "Contracting Officer" in the second_ <br />sentence and deletinF a11 of_ the third sentence, anil in lieu thereof, <br />add: "and rePayment arrangements shall be in writin;; in accordance with <br />the terms <1nd conditions set forth in Article 5(c)(3) for Major Capital <br />Replacement Costs, and be made a part of this contrlct." <br />EXC,rPT as herein modified, all the terms and conditions of said <br />contract s}iall remain unchanp,ed and in full force aiid effect. <br />THIS SurPleMental Agreement is subject to the written apProval of <br />the Secretary of the Army, and shall not be binding until so approved. <br />8 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />