<br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did at its
<br />Council Meeting on the 12th day of April, 1976, approve the adver-
<br />tisement for bids for construction of drainage improvements along
<br />the East Side of 24th Street, S. E. , between Lamar Avenue and
<br />Hubbard Street, in accordance with detailed specifications, which
<br />bids were received until 10:00 o'clock A. M. , Wednesday, May 5,
<br />1976; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the best bid for said construction of drainage
<br />improvements along the East Side of 24th Street, S. E. , between
<br />Lamar Avenue and Hubbard Street, was made by B& B Equipment
<br />Company, Paris, Texas, and it should be awarded the contract for
<br />such construction; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the form of contract to furnish such construction
<br />is attached hereto as Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE,
<br />PARIS, That the bid of B& B Equipment Company, for construction
<br />of drainage improvements along the East Side of 24th Street, S. E. ,
<br />between Lamar Avenue and Hubbard Street, within 35 calendar days,
<br />in the amount of $7, 889. 00, is hereby accepted and let, conditioned
<br />upon said contractor meeting all of the terms and specifications in-
<br />cluded in the bid documents; and,
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Manager of the
<br />City of Paris, Kerry R. Sweatt, be, and he is hereby authorized and
<br />directed to execute on behalf of the City of Paris, the contract with
<br />B& B Equipment Company, for construction of drainage improvements
<br />along the East Side of 24th Street, S. E. , between Lamar Avenue and
<br />Hubbard Street, upon the terms and conditions and in the form shown
<br />in Exhibit A attached hereto.
<br />Passed and adopted this lOth day of May, 1976.
<br />CL-W ~
<br />s . Brunett , Mayor
<br />ATTEST:
<br />,
<br />
<br />~'C~-
<br />H. C. Greene, City C erk APPR VED T FORM:
<br />.
<br />. K. aynes, City Attorney
<br />