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THE STATE OF TEXAS) <br />) <br />COUNTY OF LA61AR ) <br />WHEREAS, on the 9th day of June , 1975 a Iease <br />agreement was made and entered into by and between the CITY OF <br />PARIS, a municipal corporation, of Paris, Texas, as ownex and <br />lessor, and RED RIVER VALLEY EXPOSITION, INC., a corporation, <br />as leassee, covering the f ollowing property and premises in <br />Lamar Coun.ty, Texas, commonly l:notan as the Fair Grounds: <br />~ <br />$EGINNING at the intersection of the N_ B. Line of ; <br />Hickory Avenue with the W. B. Line of Fitzhugh Avenue, <br />also deszgnated as 9th St., N. E. , the same being the <br />S. E. corner of a 12 acre tract of land sold to the . . <br />Lamar County Fair Association by H. E. Clement Estate in 1936, describ°d in deed recorded in Vol. 245, Page : <br />► <br />575, Lamar County Deed Records; . . <br />THENCE North 1501. 5 feet to the N. E_ corner of ~ <br />said 12 acre tract, same being the S. B. Line of Clement Road, said Clement Road being 60 feet in width; <br />TFIENCE West at 380 feet to the N. W. corner of said <br />12 acre tract, same being the N. E. corner of a tract ~ <br />of Iand purchased by the Lamar County Fair Association : <br />in 1916, described in deed recorded in VoI. 160, Page <br />322, Lamar County Deed Records, continuing VJest i.n all <br />1710 feet to the N. W. Carner of Block No. 31, Fairview Addition to the City of Paris, same being the E. B. - <br />line of 3rd St. , N. E. , same being the most Northerly ' <br />M W. corner of a tract of land purchased from H_ E. <br />Clement in 1921 out of the Fairview Addition and de- • <br />scribed in deed recorded in Vol. 199, Page 311, Lamar - : <br />County Dzed Records; THENCE South 1356 feet with the E_ B_ Line of 3rd <br />St., N. E. , to the N. B. line of Hickory Avenue; . <br />THENCE East with the N1. B. line of Hickory Avenue ' <br />325. 6 feet ro the E. B. line of 4th St. , N. E_ ; <br />THENCE South 149 feet to the S. W. corner of Block <br />12, said Fairview Addition; <br />THENCE East 478_ 4 feet; <br />THENCE North 600 feet; TI-iENCE East 600 feet; <br />THENCE South 600 feet; <br />THENCE East 300 feet to the place of bebinning. <br />SAVE AND EXCEPT the folJowing described tract of land: <br />Sirttated within the corporate limirs of ttie C:iry of <br />Paris, Lamar Counry, Texas, and being a part of F31ock <br />256, as shown on the Tax Map of the Cityo uf P.Zi-is, and <br />more fulIy described as follows: <br />- 1 - <br />EXf-IIBIT A <br />