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attetidants must complete the course of study of the Emergency <br />Medical Technician (EMT) basic training course within six months <br />from clate of einployment; that all persons driving equipment used <br />as ambulances must have a valid State of Texas Chauffeur's License. <br />4. Cass agrees that eacll vehicle used as an ambulance <br />shall be equipped with a two-way radio which r.ransmits and receives <br />on frequencies designated by the FCC and that rLidio cornmtmications <br />to and from said ambulances and the central dispatch station shall <br />be the sole responsibility of Cass who shall dispatch emergency ve- <br />hicles in coordination with and by the knowledge of the Lamar County <br />Sheriff's Office and the Paris Police Department. <br />5. City and County agree that Cass shall be allowed to use <br />existing frequencies and base station equipment which is available at <br />the Paris Fire Department and Paris Police Department to establish <br />remote stations for the purpose of establishing normal communica- <br />tions with the Paris Police Department, Paris Fire Department, <br />Lamar County Sheriff and mobile ambulance units as required by Cass. <br />6. Cass agrees that all vehicles used for emergency service <br />will meet or exceed the current list of minimal equipment required <br />by the Texas State Health Depar. tment for Ambulance Licensing and <br />that all ambulances and accessory equipment shall be subject to in- <br />spect:ion by designated representatives of the City and County and if <br />at anytime same are not in c.ompliance with the provisions hereof or <br />if ancr ambulance is in need of inechanical repairs in or.der to insure <br />its satisfactory operation the said vetiicle must be rernoved from <br />service. <br />7. Cass agrees tliat it will answer all emergency calls witliin <br />the liiziirs of the City and Courity ani no person within rhc Cit\, <br />C;ounty :;Jiall bo refLrsed emorge-ticy sel-vice, atzd fiirrher ahrees <br />-i nd <br />