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per-sons, praperty and effects therefrom, all and every claiin for da- <br />mag,)es for ar by reason of said re-entry being expressly waived. <br />(14) Ail water and sanitary sewer pipe in, on or under the <br />leased premises belonging to Lessor may be kept there if or until <br />removed bv Lessor. <br />(15) In the event Lessee sha11 keep eac11 and every agreement <br />contained herein and do and perform all the obligations required of it <br />he;reunder during the term of this lease, an option is hereby given and <br />granted to Lessee to renew and extend this lease for an additional <br />perioa of ten (10) years from and after the expiration of this agree- <br />ment, which option may be exercised by Lessee giving notice in <br />writing of its intention to renew said lease ninety (90) days prior to <br />the expiration of the primary term of the lease. <br />(16) Lessor is given and granted the right to place streets <br />or utilities or drainage appurtenances in, on or under any of the pro- <br />perty herein leased to the RED RIVFR VALLEY EXPOSITION, INC. <br />(17) That the Lessor shall have ttle right and privilege of <br />cancelling said lease by giving notice on or before the lst day of <br />July of any year, either during the primary term or during any ex- <br />tension hereof. <br />(18) That Lessor shall have the right and privzlege of using <br />any por_ tion of said pr. operty so leased for functions sponsored by the <br />City of. Paris or any depar.tment thereof, which function has been <br />approved by the City Council of the City of Faris, al.l of which func- <br />tions shall be conducted on a non-inte.rfering basis vvir.h tlie annual <br />Fair conducted by the Red River Valley Exposition, Inc. <br />(19) "Ihat Lessor sfiall have the ribht and privilebe at i_ts <br />oprion to tez minate thi s lease as to r_he entir_ e tracr, oz- any- part <br />thcraof, in ttle event Lessor desires to use tlie property, or any <br />poi-tion thereof, for- necessary municipal functions, such as enlargin; <br />