Laserfiche WebLink
LLASE CONTRACT <br />STl1TE OIj TE?CAS I <br />COUNTY OF LANIAR ~ <br />KNOW AT.L M1Eti BY TI-ILS E PRi;SEiVTS : <br />That the City of Paris, a raunicipai corporation, of Lamar <br />County, Texas, herezizafter called LiSSOR, ac ting by and through <br />its Mayor, F. D. Mallory, III, duly authorizod, and ELMER T. <br />I-LADAWAY of Lamar, Texas, hereinaFter called LESSEE, do <br />hereby con-L-ract and agree as follows : <br />(1) LESSOIZ does hereby g.ive, grant, and trade Link trainer <br />model C3, serial number 41-4911-1o LESSLi, in cor.sideration for <br />LPSSEC'S conscruction of a 12' X 201 room insiue LP,SSOR'S main <br />airport IIangar. Sa:i.c:i contii;ruc:Lion i.nclu.c:ies ; of wall, <br />.C:inish of wrti:Ll wi.Lli panc1_J_irig to ma'cch panel"ling, <br />acoustical ceilin(js wi1;h appro;-)riate li(jh-11-ing. <br />(2) LESSOR does hereby lease and let i;o LFSSEE tne room <br />described in paragraph (1) aUove and i.he existing room heretofore <br />used as a classroom for a term of two years beginning July 1, 1973. <br />(3) LESSEE agrees to pay rent for the premises herein <br />described as follows: $1800.00 in equa3 installments of $75.00 <br />each, the first of which is due and payable on or before July 1, <br />1973, with a like Payment due on or beiore the first day each <br />month thereafter throughout t,he term of this lease. <br />(4) That in the event of the termina;.ion of this agree- <br />ment before the expiration of this lease and agreement, under the <br />terms and provisions of the deed from the United States of Azr~erica <br />conveying said Cox Field to the City of Paris, or by reason of any <br />otizer condition, act or thing beyond i,ne control of the parties <br />hereto, this lease agreement shall become null and void, and <br />LFSSEE shall be entitled to no coznpensatiorl for suci: termination. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />