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attcndants must complcte the caurse of study of the Emergency <br />Medical Tecllnician (LiV(T) basic traiiung coursc within six manths <br />froin date of employtnent; that Lill Persons ciriving equipment used <br />as ambulances must havc a valid State of Texas Chauffeur's License. <br />4. Cass a;rccs that cach vcilicle uscd as an ambulancc <br />shall be cquipped with a two-way ractio whicli transmits ancl rcceives <br />on f'r.equencies clesignatecl by tlze UCC anu that raclio communications <br />to anci f.rom saicl ambulanccs and thc ceniral c.lispatch station shall <br />bc thc solc responsibil.ity of Cass wllo shall ciispatch emergcncy ve- <br />hicics in roo~rclinw1 io>ll wi1+) irnl by t:iw kno>wicdf-;c of tlic f_,amar. Cotitlty <br />'SlIc;riJff's Ufficc ,ln(1 Ilic !'(.)licc I)cp,11-linui11_. <br />5. C;ity afxl COLuIty agrcc tliat CLiss shal.l bc allowccl to usc <br />existing frcquencic;s ancl basc station cquipmcnt which is available at <br />the Paris Fire Department and Paris Police Department to establish <br />remote stations for the purpose of establishing normal communica- <br />tions with the Paris Police Department, Paris Fire Department, <br />Lamar County Sheriff and mobile ambulance units as required by Cass. <br />6. Cass agrees that all vehicles used for emergency service <br />will meet or exceed the current Iist of minimal equipment required <br />by the Texas State Health Department for Ambulance Licensing and <br />that all ambulances and accessory equipment shall be subject to in- <br />spection by designated representatives of the City and County and if <br />at anytime same are not in compliance with the provisions hereof or <br />if any ambulance is in need of inechanical repairs in order to insure <br />its satisfactory operation the said vehicle must be removed from <br />service. <br />7. Cass agrees that it will answer all emerbency calls within <br />the limits of the City and County and rhat no person within the City <br />and County shall be refused emer.gency service, and further agrees <br />