<br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did hereto-
<br />fore in Resolution No. 1450 authorize application for grant under
<br />Section 709 of Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961 as amended,
<br />for the purpose of restoring the Maxey Museum; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said resolution did designate C. L. LValker, City
<br />Manager of the City of Paris, as the person authorized to execute
<br />all applications, assurances and contracts necessary for the
<br />grant; and,
<br />WdEREAS, C. L. Walker has been succeeded by Kerry R. Sweatt
<br />as City Manager of the City of Paris; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said application has been approved and the grant
<br />offer has been made in the amount of $27,988.00, having been de-
<br />signated as Project No. HPR-TX-06-16-1001; and,
<br />WHERFAS, it is to the best interest of the City of Paris to
<br />accept said grant; and,
<br />WC:EREAS, in order to begin said project it is necessary and
<br />proper that an architect be commissioned; and,
<br />thTHEREAS, the Architectural Firm of B. P. Denney, A.I.A.
<br />Axchitect, Paris, Texas, which is recommended by the Lamar County
<br />Historical Society, Inc. and is acceptable to the City Council of
<br />the City of Paris, should be commissioned; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Parks
<br />and Wildlife Department, is interested in the Maxey Museum as a
<br />a State Historical Site; and,
<br />WT-iEREAS, the best interest of the City of Paris and the
<br />citizens of the area and of the State would best be served by
<br />the conveyance of the Maxey Museum property, both real and per-
<br />sonal, to the State of Texas, upon completion of the above de-
<br />scribed Project No. HPR-TX-06-16-1001, in consideration for the
<br />State of Texas' assurance of perpetual maintenance; NOW, THER E-
<br />FORE,
<br />1. That Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager of the City of
<br />Paris, Paris, Texas, be, and he is hereby, on be-
<br />half of the City of Paris, authorized and directed
<br />to execute and file such applications, assurances
<br />and contracts as may be necessary for Grant No.
<br />HPR-TX-06-16-1001 and to provide such information
<br />an3 furnish such documents as may be required by
<br />the Department of Housing and Urban Development
<br />and to act as the authorized correspondent and
<br />representative of the City of Paris in the
<br />accomplishment of the Project.
<br />2. That the Grant Offer in the amount of $27,988.00
<br />for Project No. HPR-TX-06-16-1001 is hereby
<br />accepted.
<br />