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AGREEViEINT BETWEEN <br />THE <br />CITY OF PARIS <br />AND <br />MISSO CONSI'RUCTION COMPANY <br />THIS AGREEMENT <br />made this 2 1 st day of August in the year Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-two <br />BY AlVTD BETWEEN <br />T H E C I T Y O F P A R I S, Paris, Te}_as a municipal <br />body politic and corporate in perpetuity hereinafter called the Owner, <br />and <br />M. D. MISSO d/b/a M. D. MISSO <br />C O NS T R U C T I O N C O M P AN Y hereinafter called the Contractor, <br />WITNESSETH, <br />that the Owner and the Contractor for the consideration hereinafter namec? <br />agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF I'HE WORK <br />T h e Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work <br />shown on the Drawings and describc;d in the Specifications entitled: <br />ftENOVATION OF PARIS POLICE FACILITY <br />811 BONHAM STREETy PARIS, TEXAS <br />approved by the City Council of Paris , Texas on the lOth day of july, 1972, <br />prepared by: Edward E. Houk, Arcnitect <br />acting as and in these Contract Doc:umentF entitled the Architec~; and snwli do <br />everything required 'ay this Aareernent, the General Conditions o' Co:ltraci, <br />the Specifications and the Drawings. <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />EXHI BI T A <br />