THEA;CS S. L,5011' I',. aloYq; said righit-cf-y;a.g line of F. ~1. Higrway
<br />rlo. 137, a distarce of 330.9 feet,, to a poir.t, the begin-:ing of a cur,~e to
<br />the left with a radi,zs oi 369.2'~') fPet; '
<br />THE?,iC., in a southerly dz_rection With said cuY•ve to the left and said existing
<br />right-of-war l.ine of F. M. Hig'.nwa;r No. 137 a dista.nce of 293.0 feet, in a. point,
<br />the end of said curve;
<br />THE'•iCIS S. 001_~31 l;% alon,- sair', existing ri.ght-or-;za.-- line of F. M. High"la`l
<br />No. 137, a distance cr `l.° `'eet, to a point, the of a cvrve to
<br />the ri_~-rit wit'.n a ra.dius of 1t!~0.25 feet;
<br />THFi,1Cu in a southerl;l Jirecti.on with said curz e to the riF-'nt ar_d saia
<br />existi.nn southeast ri~,ht-of_•~~a•T line af F. N. Hinhway N0. 137, a distance
<br />of 32.9 feet, to a. po-.;.n-c, qaic-; noi_nt beinF in the north right-of=.ra~r line
<br />of 'UrQ Texas anc' Pacif ic Raiiroad and radiG,lly apposite cAntcrline SuA vejr .
<br />Station 56+93.1, of said F. M. Hi~-hwa:l ydo. 137;
<br />THE"TC~ S. 7 17055' 11., Urith the nart~h rignt-of-,;a;r line of the Teyas and Paci1'ic
<br />ka.ilroad, at h2.0 feet centerline Surver Sta.tion 57+05.7 of existing•
<br />F. NI, riiF-h.raJ No. 137, ic a.1J_ a dis+ance of 9~5.5 fePt to a point, said Point
<br />bein,; radiall,7 epposite centerline Surve°>r Station ")?+20.g a.nci heinc- on a
<br />curve to the 1°ft with a r2.dius of 369.25 feet;
<br />THET1C-: in a. nort`ier)_v dir?ctior, fr'Lth said cur-ve to the left anc' sa5.d existin,-
<br />northwest rirht-of-wa-r line of i' . M. Highrra,y T?o. 137, a distance of 51.7 feet,
<br />to a point, the end of said clzrve;
<br />THENCE M. 0043' E., along existing, right-of-wa,r of F. i•~. HighvTa,y-
<br />A?o. 137, a distanre of 7.9 feet, to a pcint, the be€inning of a curve tc
<br />the ripht `aith a raciius o£ 4!,0.25 feet;
<br />TNENCE in a northerl'v dircction ,rith said curlie to the rignt, and said existing
<br />rio-ht-oi .1-a - line of F. MI. Fiighwa~,,r No. 1.37, a distance of 356.5 feet, to a
<br />;noint, the end of said curve;
<br />T~IT'NCE N. ~,6°11' E., alon- suid existin:~ northwest ric-}lt-of-irray line of
<br />F. rjO. 137, a~?~ stance c`' 10?2.0 fe~t to thp point of be~inning
<br />r
<br />contai*:inF 1..77 acres of land, -nore or less.
<br />EXFiIBiT "A"
<br />Pare 2 of 2
<br />