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Alk <br />a <br />FINANCIAL ADVISORY CONTRACT <br />(Revenue Bonds) <br />(M.A.C. Form C-2. Standard Form of dgreement between Munic4pai Subdivision and <br />Municipal Bond Dealer Coverinq REVENiIE BONDS. Form Approved by Munictpal Ad- <br />visory Council for Use of Members Only.) <br />Date November 8, 1971 <br />To• Hon. Mayor & City Council <br />City of Paris <br />Paris, Texas <br />Gentlemen : <br />1. We understand that you contemplate ordering an election within your City <br />at which there will be submitted to its qualified voters the proposition (N.) of authorizing the is- <br />suance of certain bonds in the following amount(s) and for the purpose(s) indicated: <br />$550,000 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, proceeds from which will <br />be used to construct a sewer plant and sewer improvements, <br />and that in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of such bonds you desire <br />this proposal from us to perform professional services in the capacity of Financial Advisors for <br />your Citv . <br />2. By this proposal we offer our professional services and our facilities as Financial Advisors <br />and agree to perform the following duties normally performed by such advisors, and to perform <br />such other duties as, in our judgment, may be necessary or advisable: <br />a. To make a study of the operating results of your ulat er and <br />Sewer System (s) and, after taking into account any outstanding obligations which <br />are payable from the net revenues thereof, additional net revenues to arise from pro- <br />posed rate increases, if any, and additional net revenues as projected by your consulting <br />engineers, to devise and recommend for your approval a plan of financing to cover the <br />proposed bonds. Such plan shall include a maturity schedule and other terms and con- <br />ditions, such as options of prior payment, retention of the right to issue additional <br />bonds and the like, as will, in our opinion, result in the issuance of the bonds under <br />terms and conditions most advantageous to your Citv <br />consistent with a minimum effective interest rate. <br />b. We understand that you have retained or expect to retainMcCall, Parkhurst & <br />Horton , a firm of recognized muncipal bond attorneys, who will <br />prepare the proceedings and advise the steps necessary to be taken in the bond election, <br />the legal issuance of the bonds and the final delivery of the bonds and who will issue an <br />opinion approving the legality of the bonds. All financial services rendered pursuant to <br />this contract will be performed in such manner, and will include assembling and ac- <br />cumulating such financial facts, information and data, as will be necessary or appropri- <br />ate to obtain the unqualified approving legal opinion of said attorneys. The fee of saici <br />attorneys will be paid by us <br />c. To advise you of current bond market conditions, forthcoming bond issues and other <br />general information and economic data which might normally be expected to influence <br />interest rates or bidding conditions so that the date for the sale of the bonds can be <br />set at a time which, in our opinion, will be favorable. <br />~ d. To compile from your official records for submission to and approval by your governing <br />body an Ofi'icial Statement or Prospectus, if required, containing official data and other <br />information of the nature and to the extent ordinarily required in bidding on bonds of <br />this type, all of which we are to furnish in a sufficient number of copies to permit mail- <br />ing to prospective bidders, a list of which we agree to provide. <br />e. To attend to and pay for the printing of bonds. <br />f. To pay the necessary expenses in obtaining the approving opinion of the Attorney Gen- <br />eral of the State of Texas and the registration of the bonds by the Comptroller of Public <br />Accounts, and the delivery of the bonds to the purchaser at a bank in Austin, Texas. <br />~ We understand that you will wish to sell a portion or possibly <br />all of these bonds to the Texas Water Development Fund. We <br />agree to prepare the necessary application and furnish needed <br />financial data for sale of these bonds to the Fund. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />