<br />WHEREAS, Article 1011m, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas,
<br />authorizes counties, cities, towns, villages, authorized dis-
<br />tricts and other political subdivisions of the State to join
<br />and cooperate with each other to improve the health, safety
<br />and general welfare of citizens; to plan for future dew7.opment
<br />of communities, areas and regions to the end that transporta-
<br />tion systems be more carefully planned; that communities, areas
<br />and regions grow with adequate street, utility, health, educa-
<br />tional, recreational and other essential facilities, that needs
<br />of agriculture, business and industry be recognized; that resi-
<br />dential areas provide healthy surroundings for family life; that
<br />historical and cultural value be preserved; and that the growth
<br />of the communities, areas and regions be commensurate with and
<br />promotive of the efficient and economical use of public funds;
<br />and,
<br />WHEREAS, Acts of the 61st Texas Legislature, 1969 amended
<br />Article 1011m, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, authorizing the
<br />creation of Interstate Regional Planning Commissions; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act of the State of
<br />Arkansas, being Arkansas Act 430 of 1967, provides that any
<br />governmental power or powers, privileges or authority exercised
<br />or capable of exercise by a public agency of this State alone
<br />may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other public
<br />agency of this State which has the same powers, privileges or
<br />authority under the law, and jointly with any public agency of
<br />any other State or the United States, which has the same powers,
<br />privileges or authority, but only to the extent that laws of
<br />such other States or the United States permit such joint exer-
<br />cise of enjoyment; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said Article lOllm, Revised Civil Statutes, also
<br />provides that said governmental units shall by Ordinance, Reso-
<br />lution, Rule, Order or other means agree to membership of a
<br />Regional Planning Commission, and Arkansas Act 430 of 1967 pro-
<br />vides that any two or more public agencies may enter into agree-
<br />ments with one another for joint or cooperative action by Ordi-
<br />nance, Resolution or otherwise pursuant to law of the governing
<br />bodies of the participating public agencies; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris, Paris,
<br />Lamar County, Texas, is of the opinion that the best interests
<br />of the public would be served if the City of Paris, Lamar County,
<br />Texas, would join in with an Interstate Regional Planning
<br />Commission; NOW, THEREFOR E,
<br />PARIS, TEXAS, That said City join in membership of an Interstate
<br />Regional Planning Commission established under Article lOllm,
<br />Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and Arkansas Act 430 of 1967,
<br />and that R. A. Kennedy, Mayor of the City of Paris, be, and he
<br />is hereby authcrized to execute, on behalf of the City of Paris,
<br />the Articles of Agreement of the Ark-Tex Council of
<br />Governments, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of
<br />this resolution.
<br />