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To paraphrase the words of an old advertising slogan, "We've come a long way, baby!" <br />It has been an honor to serve on this commission since its inception and to see the <br />wonderful things that have taken place in our historic neighborhoods. Our efforts have <br />not been without struggle. I shall never forget the litany of public hearings, and some of <br />the more "colorful" characters who appeared in protest. Change is always difficult, and <br />it has been reassuring to see many of those who had fears of what might happen <br />actually become active proponents of our efforts. Early on, we were faced by a citizen in <br />Federal Court; the outcome of which was in favor of both this Commission and our <br />City, affirming the Constitutional validity of our ordinance, standards, and work. <br />Although we are still not without detractors, the work of this Commission has become <br />easier. We have updated the 1984 Historic Resource Survey, noting new historic <br />properties. We have published two sets of Design Standards, assisting both the <br />Commission and the public in the proper treatment of our historic buildings. We have <br />issued hundreds of Certificates of Appropriateness, assisted property owners with <br />faqade grants, and have given tax abatements as appropriate, as incentive for historic <br />preservation. We saw our Grand Theater be listed as one of Texas' eleven most <br />endangered places, and have witnessed the receipt af a Brownfield grant for nuisance <br />abatement, which will lead to its restoration. Euilding after buildin has been stripped <br />of inappropriate facades, restoring them to their former grandeur. T omriission has <br />played a part in restoration efforts on our downtown Culbertson Fot~ntai , and the <br />complete restoration of the Peristyle in Bywaters Park. Many mil~ions of dol rs-~ave <br />been spent in restoration and. rehabilitation since the inception of the Commission. For <br />all these things, we can thank those who have done what sometimes is a thankless and <br />even precarious job: each person who have served on this board aver the past decade. <br />It has been my honor to serve as Chairman for these years, and it is with deep and <br />mixed emotions that I depart. As chairman, I would like to share a few thoughts with <br />all of you, and for those who in the future will serve as Commissioners. <br />i) Make the best use of the Design Standards. Remember that it is a living <br />document, and never hesitate to adjust and adapt those standards, within the <br />framework of the Secretary of Interior Standards for Preservation and <br />Rehabilitation. <br />2) .Always remember that we are NOT the "taste police." Choices and taste have wide <br />variances. The Commission's work is concerned with appearance, but more <br />primarily with preservation. <br />Page 1 - Exhibit "A" <br />, - 1 10 <br />