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Special City Council Meeting <br />June 12, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />development. The development of commercial land along FM 79 is probably <br />at least a decade away and residential development along a lake shore brings <br />with it the problem of fertilizer and insecticide contamination of the water <br />supply. The low dependability of on-site disposal systems threatens the water <br />supply. County road sections, which are cheaper to build ,cost more to <br />maintain due to ditches and culverts. Hunting should be curtailed on all city <br />property if this option is selected due to the proximity of homes. Leases to <br />archers and shooters should not be renewed because of noise and threat of <br />flying projectiles near homes. The water system would be greatly expanded <br />and require a new pumping station and higher maintenance. The sale of public <br />land is difficult. If the city acts as developer, it puts the city in unreasonable <br />competition with the private enterprise. It could over tax public safety services <br />such as police and fire as present staffing levels. <br /> <br />Mr. Brannon explained his recommendations regarding Option One stating that <br />this option has significant environmental attraction to it because of the <br />preservation of vast amount of wildlife habitat but that he could not support <br />Option One as configured now. The cost per lot is too high to make it a viable <br />project. He could support the project more if the West Shore were not <br />included due to the poor access along the county road. Soil conditions and high <br />water table make it difficult to maintain a high quality, heavy trafficked road <br />along the wetlands on both side of Caviness Road. Since it is not in the city <br />limits, but borders the city limits, it is unlikely the county will expend vast <br />amounts of money to upgrade this road. Mr. Brannon said if the west shore and <br />the commercial tract were not developed, he could support the concept of <br />renewing leases to the gun and archery clubs, feeling they would no longer be <br />a hazard to any nearby homes. <br /> <br />Mr. Brannon said Option Two is a fully recreational development plan with <br />development of formal park improvements with improved fishing piers, <br />campgrounds, playgrounds, group picnic shelters, family picnic shelters and <br />tables. Other areas would be left undeveloped and promoted as wildlife habitat <br />and hunting property. The archery and gun clubs could retain their leases and <br /> <br /> <br />