<br />WHEREAS, the City of Paris passed an ordinance on the 9th day of
<br />July, 1962, being Ordinance No. 1596, the necesio,::iry for the
<br />paving and curb and gutter on Blake Road, from the West Boundary Line
<br />of the Booker T. Housing Project to the East Boundary Line of 6th Street,
<br />N. E., in the City of Paris, Texas, and ordering the assessment of the
<br />abutting property owners for the improvements to said street; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the City Clerk did, on the l Oth day of July, 1962, file
<br />notice of its intention to improve said street along said area and to
<br />assess the abutting property owners thereon for that portion of the costs
<br />of said ixnprovements that the City of Paris is claiming an assessment
<br />lien to cover said costs; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the Engineer of the City of Paris has, on the 13th day
<br />of November, 1962, filed its final estimate of $l. 50 per front foot costs
<br />for curband gutter and $2.849 per front foot for street improvements;
<br />and,
<br />WHEREAS, said estimate was, on the 13th day of November, 1962,
<br />approved by the City Council of the City of Paris, and the City Council
<br />ordered a public hearin.g to be held on I?ecember 10, 1962 at the City
<br />Hall, i.n the C ity of Pa ris ; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said notice was published three times in the Paris News
<br />as required by law; and,
<br />WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the lOth day of
<br />I?ecember, A. D. , 1962, and after the hearing the Gity Council ordered
<br />the assessment of the abutting property owners, as shown in Exhibit A,
<br />atta.ched hcrcto; NOW, THER;EFORE,
<br />That the City Manager, H. C. Kennemer, and the City Clerk, H. C. Greene,
<br />for and in consideration of the payment of $6, 040. 75 to the City of Paris,
<br />by the Paris Independent School District, do transfer a;rTd assign each and
<br />all ofthe above paving and curb and gutter assessment liens to the Paris
<br />Independent School District.
<br />Passed and adopted this lOth day of I?ecember, A. I?., 1962,
<br />,
<br />Ma yo r
<br />A TTES T: ~
<br />,r
<br />
<br />C ity G le rk
<br />APP, OVEI? AS • TO FORM:
<br />. .
<br />~.z .
<br />C ity Attorney
<br />