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RESOLUTION NO. 1026' <br />WHEREAS, Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of Texas, <br />provides for the separation of the powers of the Government of the <br />State into three separate and distinct branches, namely: The <br />Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial functions; and, <br />W HEREAS, the 57th Le gis lature of the S tate of Texas has sub - <br />mitte d an amendment to the above s ection of the C ons titution of Texas, <br />which would permit the Legislative Branch of the Government of Texas <br />to dictate to the Judicial Branch of the Government of Texas how its <br />proceedings will be conducted; and, <br />WHIEREAS, said amendment on the ballot for the coming election <br />is No. 14 and is known as "Trial I?e Novo" Amendment; and, <br />WHEREAS, the passage of Amendment No. 14, the "Trial I?e <br />Novo" Amendment could and would destroy the substantial evidence rule <br />on appeals from administrative agencies of the Government; and, <br />WHEREAS, adoption of Amendment No. 14 could and would affect <br />the dec is ions of the G ity C ouncil, the Equalization Board, the Planning <br />and Commission, the Health I3epartment, the Civil Service <br />Commission, the I?epartment of Public Works, and would place the fact <br />findings of these agencies in the hands of a jury in the district court; and, <br />WHEREAS, this would not only delay and hamper the functions of <br />the city governments throughout the Sta.te of Texas, but the same would <br />so affect decisions of the Commissioners' Courts, School Boards, and all <br />of the various departments of the Sta.te Government of Texas who are <br />charged with administrative findings; and, <br />WHEREAS, Amendment No. 14 would flood the district courts of <br />Texas, which are already crowded, with hundreds of cases which should <br />be handled by administrative agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVEI? BY THE CITY C OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARZS, TEXAS, That the City Council go on record as being opposed to <br />the adoption of Amendment No. 14 in the coming General Election in <br />November, 1962. <br />Passed and adopted this 15th day of October, A. D. , 1962. <br />Mayor <br />ATTES T: <br />C ity C le rk <br />A PPROVEI? AS TO FGRMe <br />j. <br />" : ~;'-~~'~-~'-r._-• <br />C ity A tto rne . <br />