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RESpLUTION NO. 1002 . <br />WHEREAS, the City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas, recognizes <br />the need to insure its proper and orderly growth and to prevent further <br />development of undeairable physical conditions, and <br />WHEREAS, city planning is recognized to be of primary impor- <br />ta,nce for the further growth and development of the Gity of Paris, and <br />WHEREAS, the financial resources of the Caty of Paris are not <br />adequate to finance in whole the necessary and desirable program in <br />city planning, and <br />WHEREAS, the Texas State Department of Health, as the <br />State Planning Agency, can arrange for the needed planning and can <br />arrange for the financia.l assista.nce from Federal sources, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that the City Council of <br />Paris, Texas, requests the Texas Sta,te Department of Health to <br />arrange for the preparation of a topographic map and other mapping <br />and reports on socio-economic, land use, circulation and community <br />facilities, studies, analyses and findings and to arrange for financial <br />assistance in the sum of $27, 740. 00. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that to aid in defraying the cost of <br />the requested planning the City of Paiis will make available to the <br />Texas State Department of Health the sum of $15, 110. 00 in payments <br />at the time and in the amounts as stipulated in the three-party <br />planning contract, and the City of Paris shall not become liable for <br />any payments unless and until it has executed the three-party planning <br />contract which will hereafter be submitted to it. <br />PASSED AND ADOFTED this 9th day of April, A. D., 1962. <br /> <br />1 <br />Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />City Attorney. <br />