F' -1
<br />n
<br />C.AL,l..FD.MFE`TIiVG, BCARI3
<br />February 5, 195'
<br />.FRrD tF►at af: a ealled rr.eetin& of the Board of
<br />EE I"T j-iF2e,:EN1J~.~
<br />I}irec.ors of Paris Tcxas Iryciustrial Founc3.atinn, Inc. helci in, thz cozz-
<br />fercrlcr rouirY of the Chamber of Corrarnerce in the City of Paris, 'lexas,
<br />cn the 5th da.y of February. 1959, wit}a Robert N.,c4hirtsr, presiaent, pre-
<br />siding, arid aquorur.> bein;; present, the followirx& resolutinn was auopted
<br />by unanirxzous vote.
<br />RE,5CLUTIvN
<br />~',F` 1T k.ET,5OLVE17 that the Paris Texas Indusfr ial
<br />Foundation, Inc. ~;,ive notice in writing ico the City Clerk
<br />or the 2vayor of the City of Faris and to the City of Paris
<br />that it desires to exercise and does by such notice exercise
<br />its option to purchase thirty (30) acres out of the track of
<br />Tzvo Hundred Sixteen (216) acres out of the S,eg ian Airport
<br />land, to `aurchase which ir.he ui.ty Couaacil of the City of "~=aris
<br />on N.ay 31, 1956, granted it an aption to purchase at ~IalOO. 00
<br />per aere as evidenced by such optian in wrifing executec:i by
<br />the City of I'aris on the day of Ju1y, 1956, and aceep±:ed
<br />by 1'aris Texas Industrial Founaation, InC., saie ;G aeres
<br />bein~, desc~cibeci as frsllows, towi€:
<br />;situatea aboi8t 1 rr.ile N. 45 VV. of the I-laza, I'aris,
<br />A..amar Co;.nty. Texas, apart o: the JUSeph t,rn.es and the
<br />John Herrington Surveye, bein~; a b.;art of thaL partic:~lar tract
<br />,ption fio purchase by the Paras 7'exa.s
<br />of lanri e?escra.bed in oi
<br />Tnd.ustrial I'ountlation, Inc. froz: t4e C;:ity of 12'aris, Texa,5,
<br />1ray 31, 1956.
<br />3EC:ITvNING ac the rr>ost Uastern N.s:.C of the afore-
<br />aaid tracc, thas pcirA being in the B. line of FIv', .Road No.
<br />79 (19th St. N. "a'G'. )and is in the L. of the Joseph Aix,es
<br />Survey, and 30' tFiesr o£ the -C. Gr,rner of the Joseph .:;;.rc,.es
<br />aurvey.
<br />'1 HE1VCE West with the comrd-ion bound.ar y lY.ne of the
<br />C\mes a.nci Herrington Surveys, N. 89° 151 6731.
<br />11
<br />.6-iEt`~CE North 628. 4 feet to the ~t. line of ihe
<br />R. (-'r. `:;V. of the Vv` estern E >rkension of 'Texas ;~taLe Highu,ay
<br />LGOp G8Q7.
<br />'I'hENC1: with the :,)outhern ~~ounciary Iine of said Fii;hway
<br />?+6° 0&1' ~v. Z40. : feet, continuing with saics. tiouthern Boundart,r
<br />of said 14-ighway S. A° 141O. 4 feet.
<br />THFNCti: S. 2Z 0 E' 874. G feet.
<br />