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<br />F:E50LUl ICOr1 i\L. 817
<br />Ri:SOLtT~IC-;N r1CCErTING f;iV Cr i.iE U;JITLD STriTES TL
<br />MAKE .,,IV AD-J.yivCE Gt= i:•DL'ti,=;L FUNAi TC: THE CI1Y Gr' " PA°,IS
<br />TO :;Ill IP1 ~ IIv,`~:~iC.:NG TriE: Gt;ST 01F Cc?T;;IN SUR'JEYS fdZ,
<br />PL;:I,dS U.;B,~N FRO.T:'CT P1C. TEX. ._-26.
<br />:jI:-ERE.31 under Title 1 of the l;ousing .;ct of 1949, as amended and
<br />suppler:iented, the United States o:..merica (herein called the "Government")
<br />has tendered to the City of FGris (herein culled the Public :;yency" j
<br />un ofter, hereinufter mentioned) to nuke ~an :.dvance of Federal runds to the
<br />T-ocal Public ::gency to ,uid in financing certain surveys and plans for an
<br />urban renev:al project, designated Froject ijlo. Tex. ??-2e2 in the urbun renewal
<br />Ure1 aescribed therein° and,
<br />the Locai Public Ayency nas ;iven due consideration to s<~id
<br />c; L
<br />"j: IT i.:~ i;I l~~ wUid~:I `L 0: TI' ^ TTt~, r , n , \r r `
<br />1 1 1L ~il l./~ ~('~.~1J '~17 i'VL~wwJi
<br />Section i. The ofler of the Government to tne Loc~l ruplic .,gencl,
<br />dateu June 10, 1958, design::ted "Contri.ct for ?lanning dvGnce"p Contrac-t :vo.
<br />Tex. R-26(:,), consisting of rurts I and lI, under and subject to the provi-
<br />sions, terms, ~nd condit-'lons oi uihich the Government would rlake anklvance of
<br />r'ederGl runds tc the Local Fab.'Lic :`,qency to aid in fin:,nciny the ccst of cer-
<br />tUin surveys anci plans for an urbsn renevval prc j ect, ciesignuted I'ro j ect No.
<br />Tex. :-26, situuted in tne City of Paris, Texas, is hereby in a-11 respects
<br />~ccepted.
<br />Section 2. Th-3 Loc,,l Public :~qency agrees to a1J1C12 b,~ all of tre
<br />provisions) terms~ and condit~.ons oi sZid ofler.
<br />Section 3. The City r;;;nager of tne iecal r%ublic ;=;yency is h::reby
<br />authorized and c.irected fcrth~~~ith to send tc the Housing c3nd Hcme inance
<br />:gency tv~~o certified copies of the proceedings ci the IrcUl Public .;jency in
<br />connection with the adoption o- this .=tascluticn, together with t~.,,.,o certiiied
<br />copias of tnis 3eselutionp ::nd such -IFurtner dccuments cr proofs in connection
<br />with the accept:.nce of o'r'ier --s m-1,Y be re,,u:s~ied b, thz~ Governiment.
<br />Sect]-0C1 4. The Clty ;;:aCla~2Z' 1S h2TE,`J~% aLlt'f10Z'1"L2:,' i.0 i11.2 2'@GUlSl-
<br />tions) together wii;iz necf.ssUry supportin; decu.:nents, -tn;; Govern:nent,
<br />irom tzne to tirne a.s ,-.dvance iunds :,re reyuireu, requesting payrnents to be
<br />made to the Local Yublic :.;~nc1 on acccuni oi the ~;dvunce nro~~ided for in
<br />s:;id oTrer, and ~o dc --nd perfc---m L~;11 other things and ucts recuired to be
<br />dcne or perioin, ed in oraer to cbtain such pz~,nnents.
<br />Section 5.
<br />This :;esolutic~n shall
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<br />tai;e erfect
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<br />imnedi;,tel~j.
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<br />City =,t orney.
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