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0 • <br />RESOLUTION NC. r'07 <br />';`lu.~::ZL.->S, the terms of office or ,ustin -ieiflefinger~ vdmond C_~stleberry, <br />Und Faul r'iles, as merabers or the Flanning & Zoning Co:runission cr the ~:,ity oi <br />Pe,ris, have expired, und it has becorne necessur;y, to appoint tneir successors~ <br />~and th~ iv,ayor of the City or t_~ris, Robert !vic:~dhirter, ha~:~in~ appointec~ tiie <br />followin(~, perscns: C1-rk F=stes, Jr. C. Dubbs ~ <br />Und I-Duul riles , to scrve en the rl<=ing & Zonin;; <br />Ccr,unission of the City ei Faris for tnree ~3) ye::rs, beqinning Septem'er l~ <br />::.j 1958, Gnd conZinuin; ror a te-rm of three ;3) years, ~nd nas submitted the <br />names of such perscns to the Clity Council ot= the Gity ol' Paris; <br />Bc rT IiESOL'.,''~.D t3`•! 'TH~ CIT`r ;~UNCI L Ui TF; ::IT`r Or' P.~.:=:IS , TE?C: ~S, l ri : t <br />the appcint:nent or Mnr~ Fiqt_e~s, Tr. -Jubbs , <br />unu Pali1 ~ iles , to serve as me;nbers of the Planning & <br />Zonimj Cc:~~.missicn, -fcr u pericd of tnree (3) ye;-,-rs~ beginning Septe;:wer 1, <br />19~50, and continuiny -or a period ci tnree (3) ycars th~reuiter,, is b,y the City <br />~c,uncil oT tile '-'it; or Paris hereb, ~~)~Droved anci confirmed. <br />Passeci und adopted tnis 30tn d=;, of Jull, Li.2 1958. <br />;Ulayor <br />T"!'t- ST <br />~ <br />City Clerk <br />.-,P '~l. TJ <br />C.1t, f 'At. C1Py. <br />