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1_~ • • <br />'d <br />. <br />RESOLUTIQN PdO. 791 ~ <br />• <br />Allie G'Brien, doing business as the Y@ZZGVJ Cab Company, and <br />operating under 7ranchise Ordinanct 11o. 13:53, passed the 12th day o.F December, <br />anu Lcon.- a.nd ivicKinley Johnsor., onerating under :=ranchise <br />Ordinance itio. 1411, dated rLLgust 12, 19571, have presented to the City Council <br />of the Git;% of Fa-ris t-heir written request for certain changes in the rates to <br />bc charged for taxicab service within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris; and, <br />1~"1HER7:;S9 the ~:;ity Council, in Section 13, 'Oubsection (b) oi each of <br />said franchise ordinances~ has the power and authority to determine rates to <br />bc charged ior taxicab service within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Pari s; and, <br />';j'HEREHS, the request for the cnange in fares has been referred to a <br />committee of the City Council; and, <br />:JTiEREFtiS, such committee has heard and considered the same and made its <br />~ recomriendation to the City Council; and, <br />'::JI-iEREyS, it has been determined by the City Council that thc present <br />+ fares being charged ror certain areas within the City are not aciequate to <br />yield a fair return to the owners of such businesses; P_10:'d, THERLPORE, <br />BE IT °_ESOL'JED BY TI-iE CITY C"~JUNCIL 011~ THE CITY O: PA°IS, That the tvio <br />taxicab companies involved are hereby permitted to amend their rGte schedules, <br />as fcllows: <br />(l) Te charge Vaithin Zone or the Map attached to this <br />resolution and mGde a part hereof, the sum of <br />thirty-iive cents (35fl fare per passenyer on all <br />passengers six years of age or Ii1GZ'°. <br />{2" On all of th,: area shcwn on said map outside of Zone <br />.4, that is, outside the red lines and vjithin the City <br />Limits of the City o± Paris, they are hereby permitted <br />to charge the sum of i=ifty cents (5,0~) fcr thc iirst <br />passenger anci thirty-five cents (35¢) ior each addi- <br />tional passenger thereafter. <br />(3) That in Zono H o i said map the; are permi.tted to charae <br />iifte~:n cents (1b~) additional i"cr any service that <br />requires the driver to leavF his cab, such as carrying <br />groceries or lu,yage ta the house, or messages to the <br />house. <br />(4; That they are permitted tc charc,e in Zone 3 the sum of <br />iwenty-five cents (25~;) for an;i service that would re- <br />quire tne driver to le-ave his cab, such as carrying <br />g~roc~er~ie~s'Xtheg4a~e s~a~~.SbeS`~ifteenhcen~ss'15~~d for carrying <br />) They are permitted to charge for taxi service to or <br />from Cox _=ield the surn ci Gne Dollar and Fifty Cents <br />for one pGssenger, or if more than one <br />the sum of Gn-_~ Dolla.r (',51.00) per person, to any <br />point vlithin thA City Limits of the Citl of Paris. <br />This resolution shall become effective i.rnmediately aiter its passage. <br />Passed und adeptcd this 14th day of ripril, r., 1958. <br />~ <br />` tti,a yo r <br />ATTESTY <br />I i'ity Clerk <br />APPRC JED r"-.5 T;. <br />i L <br />:.'ity !a torne•,t. <br />