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<br />;,LSOI.UTICN No. 780
<br />James R. Gill hGs served the Cit, of Paris as PJtayor
<br />for thc- past four ; ears, and wUs nct eligible for ?^e-election under
<br />the Charter of tne City of Faris, anu, thcrefore, his term expired on
<br />r'',pril 9, A. D., 1958; and,
<br />?:IERE~,S, P/iayor James R. Cill had served the City of Paris six
<br />yea-rs, beginning in 1920, when he was an alcerman rrom ':iard Three c:
<br />the City of Faris, and later served the City of raris tt^;o ;fears in
<br />1930 and 1931 ds an alderman trom :'iard 7our, and was at the April
<br />Llection, four years ago, electFd as Counr.ilman rrom ,';ard Cne, anu
<br />was tht.reafter, by his colleagues on thc City Council, elected as
<br />Maycr of th: City of Paris, in which capacity he has served th2 past
<br />fcur ycars. He has served as an alc.erman under J. '=`J. Deweese, a former
<br />mayor; Tom Justiss, a former mayor; and at ttivo dirferent times under J.
<br />Morgan Crook, a iormer mayor; and,
<br />','1HLREAS, this City Council, and each of its memoers, are highly
<br />conscieus of this distinguishnd service o= our former ;'.:ayo?^, James ~t.
<br />uill; cnca,
<br />07REAS, the wise counsel, experienced and mature jucic;rnent,
<br />and christian attitude of nfir. Gill, which werQ always evident in his
<br />every action as Gn alderman or as a maycr, Uvhen so serving tne City of
<br />Paris, comurand the deep resrc:ct, acimiration and appreci::tzon ci ever;r
<br />mcmber of this City Council with whom ne has served; and,
<br />REAS, this City Council is entirely aware of the sincere
<br />love James R. Gill had ror the City of Faris and the peoples residing
<br />therein, which iove cdas constantly expresspd in his every attitude to-
<br />wGrd the business of servinr the people o£ the City of Paris; and,
<br />':ILP,EhS, tne City Cbuncil of ±he Citti; of "raris is entirely
<br />conscious of its inability to express in V;ords the keen ac+miration of
<br />each ano. G11 of us for the unscliish, distinguished and sacrificial
<br />services of ;:ayor Gill as a menber of this governing body, but in our
<br />feeble wGy- we wish to reccrd and extend to hirn our sincere wish for
<br />nis gccd healtn and prosperity in the ,rears that lie ahead, and to
<br />assure him that we shali miss his fellowship, his v^.ise counsel and ad-
<br />vice, and the beneiit of his mature juGgment and experiences as a pub-
<br />lic servant, and it is with sincere regret it.at we see him c,o.
<br />0: P.; ;IS, TE}.,;S, in regular session convened, on this 14th day of April,
<br />A. D., 1958, tnat this exNression of our lave, admiration, and respect
<br />for Maycr James R. Gill be, and the same is hereb;r, adopted, and that
<br />the same be spread in the Fcrmanent Ma.nutes of the City Council of the
<br />City of Faris, and that a copy ei this resolution be iorwarded to the
<br />Honerable Jsmes A. Cill.
<br />Fassed and auopt2d by the unanimous vote of the City Council of
<br />the :;ity of Faris, Texas, this 14th day of I;pril, A. D., 1958.
<br />,'vayors :
<br />City of Paris
<br />nTTcST:
<br />City clerk.
<br />