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4A~ <br />• ..,5, ~a: ~ <br />".~:r. <br />RESO Ltrrzara Nc. <br />'rlHEREAS, the City of Paris has heretofore engaged in Project P1o. <br />802-12-57, Rehabilitation of 1^;ater Treatment Plants and Construction of <br />Booster Pump Statien Tio. 2; and, <br />INHLUEAS, the City Council; as part of such preject, has heretofore <br />advertised 1or bids under project knovm as Project No. 802-12A-57; and, <br />!NHERENS, bid.s were, on the 6th day of January, 1958, being seven <br />bids in number, received at 7:JO otclock P. A4., in the City Council Room, <br />in the City Hall o; the City of Paris, Texas; and, <br />;dIiPEAS, said bids ivere referred to the 1-1-ngineering rir;a of rerrest <br />and Cotton for tabulation, checking, anc rccor:mendations; and, <br />,'lHE:?EAS, the En,inecring =irM of rorrest and Cozton, by their letter <br />ol~ January 20, 1958, recommended that the bid of 4ltiyer u Sears Company, 112 <br />Landa Building, 5738 Plorth Expressway, Dallas 6, Texas, wthich was in the <br />amount of $11,070.00, tc furnish the two booster pumrs and electric moters <br />describea in the plans and specifications of said project, was the lowest <br />and best bid therefor; NOV,', TH~~),: ITKiRE, <br />BE 1T :;E5C_:L':'ID BY THE CITy (~-)UNCIL vF TFIE CITY Ot= PaRIS, That th2 <br />bid of Alliger Q Sears Ccmpany, above, be, anci the same is hereby declared <br />the loUiest anci best bid, and the City tuianager of the Gity of Paris is hereby <br />authorized and directed, *er and on behalf of the City of ?aris, to enter <br />into a contract with Alliger & Sears Company, in accordance vrith the plans <br />and specifications, after being furnished vrith the periormance bond of <br />Alli~er & Sears Company. <br />Passed and adopted this 20th day Qf Janudry, A. D., 1958. <br />- z 4L" <br />~ Mayor <br />ATTEST: / <br />. City Clerk <br />ArPROVED AS TU R)RNi: <br />ty Attorr.ey. <br />