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<br />RESOLUTION N0. ~ ' •
<br />4VHEREAS, the City of Paris, in connection with its Water and Sewer
<br />Improvement Program, has heretofore advertised for bids on Project No.
<br />803-9-57, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Forrest
<br />and Cotton; and,
<br />WHEREAS, on the 14th day of October, 1957, at 7:m P. PA., Fipe
<br />Linings, Inc., of Wilrnington, California, bid the sum of $62,099.00 for
<br />the performance of said project; and,
<br />V+IHEREAS, it has been determined by the Engineering Firm of Forre:at
<br />and Cotton and has been recommended to the City Council that the bid of
<br />Pipe Linings, Inc., in the amount of $62,099.00, be approved and accepted
<br />by the City of Paris, with the stipulation that Items 6, 10, 11, 12, 13,
<br />14, and 15, in the aggregate amount of $8,040.00, may be deleted in part
<br />or in full from the contract at the City's option; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the recommendation of the Engineering rirm of Forrest and
<br />Cotton is satisfactory with the bidder, Pipe Linings, Inc.; NObV, THEREFORE,
<br />City of Paris accept the bid of $62,099.00, for Project No. 803-9-57, from
<br />Pipe Linings, Inc., with tne stipulation that Items 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
<br />and 15, in the aGgregate amount of $8,040.00, may be deleted in part or in
<br />full from the contract at the Cityts option, and that the City Manager be,
<br />and he is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Pipe Linings,
<br />Inc., if and when Pipe Linings, Inc. furnish to the City of Paris a per--
<br />formance bond as required by said specifications and have executed a con.-
<br />tract in accordance with said plans and specifications, and in accordance
<br />with this resoiution.
<br />Passed and adopted this 18th day of October, A. D., 1957.
<br />~
<br />
<br />i,.1ayor
<br />ATTE5T
<br />j City Clerk
<br />/
<br />AppRO UFaD AS TO 'FORIvI:
<br />~ City Attomey.
<br />