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Form 08-40-68 • <br />~ <br />TSE 3TATE OF TEXAS <br />County of.......... <br />1IfA 1001 <br />~ o Py • coa. 24-01 <br />~ Project No. $88 <br />l[(ap A1o. TF 18114 <br />gheet No. 2 <br />BNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : <br />That------- The._City_.of._Paris~_ Texast .s municiPal_ ccrP~~ <br />-------------------------9 <br />of ..............LAMU County, Tegas, hereinafter called "Grantor," whether one or more, in considera- <br />tion of the advantages which will accrue to Grantor from the construction of the electric distribution line here- <br />ina,fter described, hereby granta to TEXAS POQVER & LIGHT COMPANY, of Dallas, Texas, an easement and <br />right of way for an electric distribution line, and all necessary or desirable appurtenancea, and for a telephone <br /> <br />line and appurtenances, upon, over and across Grantor's land in the------ Hiram.. Williams _ <br />Survey, Abstract No-------------------------- •---------......--------~amar................ County, Tesas, <br />The center line of said distribution line ahall be located across said land as follows: <br />Beginning it a Tezea Power & Liqht Company's diatribution angler pole and attached guy <br />at survep atation 0 plui 00. 3aid pole bejng loaated 300 ft., more or lesa, in an <br />esaterly direction and 50 ft.# more or leas, in a northerly direction Yrom the eouthxaet <br />cornsr oi the above deaoribed property. <br />Thence in a xesterly <br />Pcwer k Light Company's <br />1 plus-50. Said guy to <br />or lese,to a Texas Power <br />Yt., more or lena, in <br />fr~ the eauthrYest corne <br />direction for a dista►nce of 250 ft., more or leaa, to Texas <br />diatributior a° ple ~~ole and attached Q,u; at eurvey atz tion <br />axtend in a westerZq directian for a diatance ot 30 it.# a~ore <br />& I,ight Company'a guy anchorage. Said pole to be located 150 <br />an easterly direation and 50 ft., mare or lese, in a northerl.y direetion <br />r of the above deeoribed property. <br />This description is based on a preliminary survey, and it is understood that Company may relocate <br />said line in the same general direction before or at any time after conatruction. <br />Said Company shall have the right to erect------- noles, n-°-----------------stubs, and----...... °ps------- -8'uY <br />anchorages along the course of line, together with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of con- <br />structing, improving, inspecting, maintaining, operating and removing said line and appurtenances ; the right <br />to relocate said line in the same relative position to any adjacent road if and when said road is widened in the <br />future, and the right at all times to cut away and keep clear of said line and appurtenances all trees and other <br />obstructions which, in the sole judgment of said Company, may endanger or interfere with the proper main- <br />tenance and operation of aaid line. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto the said Company, its succes- <br />sors and asigna, until said line ahall be abandoned. <br />. <br />E%ECU'i'ED this.._ _...2nd------daq of..................... -AMUSt A. D.19..... ~7 <br />Witnessed by: THE CITY 0F PARIS 9 TEXAS ~ <br />, <br />i ; <br /> <br />Az"i~T~_._~ . Mayor <br />- - - <br />Acting C~ty CIer~C. <br />, <br />