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• 9 <br />Paris, Texas <br />.7uly 8, 1957 <br />Resolution I40. 718 <br />On this the 8th day of July A. D., 1957, the City Ccuncil of the <br />City of Paris, Texas, was convenein rregular session at the City Hall <br />at Paris, I,amar County, Texas, witM 6 mem ers present• <br />3'C yC X'n ~c 'iE' ~'C nt # 3'f '?'T n T <br />Motion by Councilman Robert McWhirter and seconded by Councilman <br />Jack McCubbin that e Ijayor, James R. Gill, be given <br />au ori y o sign easemen an right,-of way on e Ci y o paris, Texas, p:roperty <br />for the purpose of allowing the Texas Power & Li.ght Company to install one guy <br />at or near the locations and along the general course naw located and staked <br />out by said Company on the f ollowing described land located in Lamar Count;Y., <br />Texas, to wit : <br />Said guy anchorage and guy wires shall be located 6 ft., <br />more or less, in a westerly direction from the base of <br />pole located at survey station 0 plus 70. <br />The motion carried by 6 ayes and 0 nays. <br />I9 W. G. Norwood, Acting City Clerk of the City of F'aris,TexIdo hel:•eby <br />cer i y that e a ave is a rue and corre4t copy of Resolution No. 718 passed <br />on July 8 ~ 1957, by the City Cr,uncil of the City of pari-'se~Same <br />being recor e in ~fiinu es of said date in A4inute Book No. S Page mo. 297 <br />~ <br />of the yinutes of the City of paris, Texas. <br />~ <br />Acting City C er <br />i: n * K Yf ii 'T it n 7t' <br />