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~ <br />REOLMC3N i!O. 68~.. <br />Vfi*RZAB, Councilmn John T. Jadcson !ws strved t~ terss, fowr <br />years on the City Ceunti2 a# ths G`tty of Paarisl ar,d, <br />VA*RFAS, he is not eUgib)e, unior the Ghartsr of fh+e tLty of <br />harls, t.a seek r*-N►i*c+Aon to #ho o!fiee a►!' C+ounmilwan of tht Gity of <br />ParisI ancl, <br />*WRMS, he is retiring txAas servioe as a Counci3aon of #.te <br />C1ty o!' ftria; and, <br />waRD39 1t !s 'ihe Indiviclual ard c+r►ll+sstivs Juddgwnt +lund <br />opirdon of the tlty Crouncil and: a11 of its maboze tlat the t'aithtuJG <br />and c1istirpul.shed servic+t of aur tellow-COU401104n, JoM x. ,Tasks0n, <br />f+01r Uw two yrtJt7c te1"1D IMx31tjclQ 11pr3,I 149 A. D. j 1957,p h,ali p!stly <br />inured te the beneiit of this eanamity and a13 of !ts cit#,zens; and, <br />WHERR11S, tar rds* coussel, mataare Judvae,t wd abrisitian <br />itUttid" MR's J3lkaFis frOR#!istently 1!vidmt and by Mi oppU$d tiD <br />illl itt'h1~o prffb1iM16 and i#mei oonsidItzvd by the Coiit'ICil dudtig his <br />tol111riA of officaN omnoW the deep respeat, itdmiration 8~ apprdsis"" <br />#.iOi1 of j'ihiR !!theT mW*'+C'# 19f Uw COia1lcil Ath Mfto he hali #trkP!Adl i1T1Cl , <br />N*W&AS' it i$ th1 *tocere pirp#1e wid d#Isir* 9f th@ goYlfrnitQ <br />$ody 4f the CltJf a1f Parts tD exprel1s •s adequat.Illy 1is warb MdU per"" <br />adt the kee+s admisa'tiiin t7tt' uteh and al1 @t us for the um#l!'isb, dis- <br />tingu#s!►ed anc# saad!'icial s+twvL+ro bt t#r. Jaqksm as o mombes af tlais <br />gowse►iro'i bod'Y rand to "and ow sinlNot v3sb !'m his gOW bWth and <br />psoaprerity in ttat y*a" thai lia +rwad. <br />NDM, '1"t3EAMU, N II RBOC'3iai.'VO IN 'tH16 CI'1'Y MUMML aF 'YHE CITY <br />C3F PAIt1$► 0 't'BXAffi, !rt requlas "liUMr sonwon+1d on '!his tM 0th day o!" <br />Apmil A. D., 1957; tMt this *a*wsssion o# our adrdsation and respeet <br />for Jabn I. .Tackson bre, and twlar swe is h+rroby, adaptecl; that '8ha *am <br />be epartad in tu Pe~~t Minutea of the tlty Coundl a# #.he 4"ity +~f <br />Pasis, and that a sopy of this rrsarlution be forwoucdod to C,oumilmrz <br />Johi I. Jaccspn. <br />Pessed old mdapted by th* Wan"aruts vote ofi 4he Clty CoMO1 <br />of t»te OLty of Parit, Y`exar, this the 8U day o# A►prli, A. D., 19157. <br />t~'~ of ~1l`is <br />ATTBS <br />~ ~ <br />, <br />C~ty Clerlc. <br />