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<br />i
<br />?2ESOLT?rt'IOi~ r,?0. ~47
<br />W'~-7'?FAS, the City Cour.cil of the Ci*y of Paris has heretofo?-e
<br />author-ized the EnrTineerinn Firm of Forrest ani Cot±on af Ik-illas, Texas,
<br />to nroceed. ?ai±h nlans and sneci-ficati.ons as o,,±lined in tneir Sched.ule
<br />?I of the '-dater anc? Sewer T?nprovE---;enT Procxram for the Ci.t~- of Paris.;
<br />an n,
<br />'OIHFRFAS, the Fnqineer? n(s Firm of Forrest and Cotto^ have, lhi,T
<br />1_etter nated C,ctober 22, 1956, aclvised the Citv (o»nc.i.l that fabricators
<br />of concrete cJl?.ncler ni.pe fo?- iaater are row workinc? on R si)-,'stantiF.l
<br />back].ocT of n.rders; anr?,
<br />WNrRF'AS, they have ad.v.i sed the ri±y rouncil of the City of
<br />Paris that immeciia±e stpns shoul,? :oe tal7en to rlace orders for the
<br />ma±eri.als, ?r~~.r?,. in the oninion of the Encineer-ir.r, F2rTr of For.res± an(i
<br />r-±tnn, are, or mav hecome, slow ar.d riiffic,ult ef deliverjr; an,~,
<br />'d?TF"2EAS, the City rou^ciJ. is desiro?ls of savinn as m-ch tinie
<br />as r_ossible in the comnlPtion of the ?Xtenszon of the water lines,
<br />;,iC1W, ^H~kEFnRF~
<br />ti-7 TT 'P_FSCiT.`TI~D r'~Y TF-Ti. (7TTY f'(iTTITIL OF T4.r7 ('T'r' (7 p'tpT9;
<br />`~.'hat the EnninePr?nn Firm of Forrest a^d Cotton of Dallas,
<br />T,!~xas hr, an-I thav are hereby authori zed +_o advert-se for ?-Ids i.tnor;
<br />an•r o4 ±I-e r:laterials for taater la.nes, whi-ch in their oninion, mav
<br />hxo*nP Gcarce nr slow of deliver-. ha.t the FncTi7eerinq Firm of Forrest
<br />and Cot±on a.s hez'e1'?y a"±horized ar.,~ clirec±ed to adverti se for sizch ri ds
<br />an~i t(- mal-.e the same returr.able to the Cit', of Pari-s b?r 7:00 o'cloc!k
<br />P. on Tr'onday, -"d-)v~.nl,Pr 12, A. r,,, 1956.
<br />PRssed an:? adontpd this 22nd c3~,Ir o-4 C~r_.toher, A. n., 1956.
<br />- -,,`avor
<br />Am';,r.,;T ;
<br />C;t~- Clerk.
<br />APPr'O1Tr',1'i A-3 T(l
<br />~
<br />_n -
<br />1.,i +71
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<br />:74-tnT~e~,,~
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