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(Naris - Lamar County 7feaCth ~Department <br />~P.O. Box 938 or 740 S. W 61fi Street <br />~Paris, TraraXas 75461-0938 <br />Voiu: 903-785-0561 TaiC 903-737-9924 <br />u,ir,w. pan:sfamarfreaCth. com <br />SIGNED MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />PARIS-LAMAR COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />~ <br />. <br />The Paris-Lamar County Board of Health held a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July <br />24, 2012, in the City of Paris Council Chambers. Board members in attendance included Dr. Rick <br />Erickson, Dr. VI/illiam George, Dr. Mark Gibbons, Dr. Keith House, and Ms. Kristi Martin. Board <br />members not in attendance were Dr. Lav Singh and Mr. Bill Strathern. Others in attendance <br />included Mr. John Godwin, Mrs. Gina Prestridge, Mrs. Carfa Rhodes, Ms. Cheryl Johnson, Mrs. <br />Nita Johnson, Mrs. Elishia Brothers, Mrs. Rebecca Sanders, Mrs. Shannon Watson, Mrs. Carol <br />Hill, Mrs. Charlene Dirks, and a representative from the Paris News. Meeting called to order at <br />6:02 P.M. by Dr. Erickson. <br />Ms. Martin made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that minutes of previous <br />meeting be approved. <br />Mrs. Prestridge inforrned the board that she had presented the Paris - Lamar County Health <br />Department budget to the Commissioner's Court on the 18th and Dr. House and Dr. Green <br />attended this meeting. Also, Dr. House and Dr. Green spoke before the Commissioner's Court. <br />Mrs. Prestridge presented the budget that had been approved by the Paris - Lamar County <br />Health Department Soard of Health to the City Council. Mayor A. J, Hashmi told the City Council <br />that Mrs. Prestridge was not appearing before the City Council for approval of her budget but <br />only to inform the City Council of her budget figures. Manager Godwin told the Paris - Lamar <br />County Health Department Board of Health that the City of Paris budget does have the Paris - <br />Lamar County Health Department budget amounts in it. <br />Mrs. Prestridge requested a printout of the matching funds for Lamar Caunty and the City of <br />Paris for approximately the last ten years from Finance Director Gene Anderson. Mr. Anderson <br />provided a printout from 1999 to today of the budgeted amounts and revenues reports. Dr. <br />Erickson asked if the amounts matched for the City of Paris and Lamar County and Mrs. <br />Prestridge stated that they were within close proximity of matching and there were no ather <br />discrepancies. Mrs. Prestridge provided a printout of the budgeted amounts and revenues <br />reports to all four (4) Lamar County Commissioners and County Judge Chuck Superville. <br />Manager Godwin advised that the budget amount is only an estimated amount but the City of <br />Paris wiil pay actual amount of shortfall, so sometimes may look different from budgeted <br />amount. <br />Last Saturday, Mrs. Prestridge met with Judge Superville and Shirley Fults, Director of Lamar <br />County Indigent Health Care Program, and wrote a project grant for the Medicaid Waiver 1115. <br />If awarded, then we could be reimbursed at either 40% or 60% of the projects value and the <br />money will come back to Paris - Lamar County Health Department <br />Bwsrd of health minutes ot'regular mccting 2012-06-26 <br />46 <br />