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• • <br />R F SL U T Z_ I~ <br />t;r ~ 55`. <br />.'FERE.4S O Rcbert A? dredne, ^vme_r ~,f the Prr-.-)erty and :~renises 1cated <br />at and desiDnated aG ?`:umber `.>''-O srd N.E. Str.eet i.n the City of Paris, has <br />an;;ealed fr-i the acticn and decision of the BuildincA fficial f the City <br />r)f : aris )v ~-hich action and of v:-hich official the applic2ti n of the <br />said Ro_,ert Akdred~e fcr ; ermit authorizinq the re~)uilding of c CP2'±ain <br />frar:e ~uil.diny on said pr.,nerty, la feet '0y ')4 feet in dimer.sicn; and, <br />',a'r~FHftcAS, it appears that said ;;r ,perty and nl'Em].Ses is 1 cated in <br />a Residenta? A.rea, as classified and desianated the Zoning ` rdinanr,.e -f the <br />city, and i.t further appears ±hat there has c ntinunusly existed since the <br />enactment and ad,z)ti:~n ef said Zoninc r`rdinance a sima.liar building on said <br />rr~ner.ty of the dirnensie~ns used ',>y said T"etitioner in the o^eruti,:n of <br />a retail grrcery st re and c)nfectionery; and, <br />HEREAS, it a, pears that stach applicati~ n is fer the rebuildin<7 of <br />a lii-e buil(iing for the same pse as in the past; and, <br />',;FTEEREAS, it annears that said a7)r?ea1 invol_ves an annlicati n for a <br />sr}ecial excerticn te the r.egulati-ns ::f the Zeniny ` rdinance and that public <br />ccnvenience and -!elfare ~^,ill not be sunstuntially cr pernanently alterec? -x <br />injurecl: Pd TE-EREFC RE, <br />RE IT RE5i_ LJED P,Y THE CITY C, [iNCIL f_F TI-E CITY 'F ?AR$S: That saia ftp;)eal and <br />an-licati.nn of said petiticner, 'R bert Aldredne, be ant r ved and aranted, and <br />the 9uildinci fficial f theCity of -'aris is here".)y authorized and directed t-arant and a.ssue aperrqit for the building and re-building of said a.>cve <br />described uuilding on such propexty znd ;,rernises. <br />ATTEST: <br />.,Citv Cler:w. <br />