asOu?TTott Nu. 529
<br />WIiBR6ASs R. B. alddle has served tbe cLtisenship at Faries Tsza►s
<br />sr the City Xanager of its mwn,idpal gavernment, ainae blarcti 12a 19511 +tid,
<br />iaHERUS, the ssid R. B. Riddts !is reootly sean tit to eul:mlt h3.s
<br />rseignatioA sa the City kwiager of Parie ta the ipwraing body of said City
<br />i.n ordlr to scarprt aAPointmsnt icn a ] ifce caaacity by the g4+veming boctr of
<br />tho Gity o! Kinct, NorGh S?aicota; acxi,
<br />MMEA3, the Ciky Cvwncil of the City of Par^L hss toruslly add
<br />reluctantly acaspted such resignation; snd,
<br />*%HEAS, during the periad of his aervlca ta artr ccmaunity ths sai.d
<br />H. B. Ricldle ec►dearad himelf to all the citissns of our eo~mmun.tty, and par-
<br />tieularl$ tca the ,gnwrsiag officials aad Psllar ampleyoss of aur Gity, hav»-
<br />ing at aIl t 3mr s r,oniuctsd bimselt in ap adwirable, cangmf,al, and wa►rthy
<br />awnner, aad havisig tborough.'Ly a4tabliahed hJjselt as an ah`Le, energetic, re-
<br />3.iable, honest anci aincere administratvr and guhlic spiritad citizen, whose
<br />lite, hopss and aativities wnsre and are bayond repmardsf snd,
<br />'WEFaBAS, ths er1Lizenship of cur cammunitF, and especially tha membexrs
<br />of thia body, xill feol vt►ry kasnly ths loss of Qur City Xanagesr and fr3.end
<br />and his lorroly w3ti srrd a2aildr+rn, and,
<br />VAHIAS, the City t3aunail at Parie dosirsa to tbmalJ.y exprasa its
<br />dsep appreesiation Yor the loyal and ablo serviaes rsnderod to vur oomunity by
<br />the saici U. B. RidciLr duMng h'!.s psriad of serviae as crur City Mamgsr:
<br />WN, THF.REFQRE, be it rQeolved by the Citq Goundl of the City c+t
<br />Parie, Texas, tlaat this wWreesie+n of wur approd.ati.on tor the loys3ty and
<br />serv3.ce of our said tarrmsr City Manager, aiacf crur senae of loss ave r t,he re-
<br />moval of hia Pamily traar cur midst, bs adagteds, that a aopy cP the sma be
<br />spread csn t,he pemsnant Ki..aruLes c3` thi,a body, an+d thst a capy of the ssme be
<br />transmittsd to the governing body of the cityr of Minc►t, Nartr, Dalcvta.
<br />Unixinaouely adopted this lE)Lh de~,y aP Novamber, 1952.
<br />.
<br />r~pBJ~. ~r~ + , e ! . , , r . . . . :
<br />!Y A ~
<br />Mayor
<br />Ci.ty Cle:'k
<br />