Form 63-10-51
<br />•
<br />Lamar
<br />Connty oi............. -
<br />No. 2 PROJLCT D-142
<br />(Ms 2c 32918)
<br />. The~Citp of Paris, Texaa .~sna
<br />
<br />That _
<br />of
<br />_______________________~~_._________.__.__........._County, Texas, for an3 in consideration of the advantagea which will accrue to me (us) by the
<br />construction of the electric transmission and/or distribution line hereinafter described, have granted, sold and conveyed and
<br />bq these presents do grant, sell and convey unto Texas Power & Light Company an easement an•d right-of-way for an electric
<br />transmission and/or distribution line, consisting of variable numbers of wires, and all necessary or desirable appurtenances (in-
<br />cluding poles made of wood, metal or other materials, telephone and telegraph wires, props and guys), at or neax the locatiun
<br />and along the general courae now located and stalced out by the sai3 Company, over, across and upon the following described
<br />lands located in_.._.......... .L3mBT......--•-•-•-•-•---•------•---•-. County, Tezas, to-wit:
<br />BSIM} a description along the centerline of the Texas Power 8: Light CoBpany+•
<br />Psris Distribntion (Projeat D-142),9 ttn rxtaneian north of Par1s to serve Paris
<br />Sewor yitt Station,* ar nvw surveyed and locatad an the prQperty of the C3ty of
<br />paris, taid property bsing a psrt of ths Samual Worthingtan Survey, Abstract No•
<br />983, Lamar County, Texas.
<br />BE'AIA1NZNp at a preasut Texas Pover & Light Corapanv'a 2-pole transt'ormer struature
<br />and its attaohed gtty as nrnr located on thia Froperty at survey station 46 plus 8$
<br />squaU 0 plus UOt
<br />O$gAKZ northerly aroseing s private road located an this prororty and eontiriu3ng
<br />for a total distance of 84 ft., more or 2eas, to a stub and itg attaahsd guys
<br />taid ruy to axtend in a northweaterly direction Prom said stub 25 ft... more or lenap
<br />to a guy anahorage.
<br />AffiZNNING AGAIR at the above deacribod gresent 2 po14 transformer atracture and
<br />ita attached guyt
<br />TMMCE soutfiseaterly 176 tt.,, mare or 3es e# to turvey statior -3, plus 76,9 samr be-
<br />1ng a point in d property line ranning in a northeaster7.y andlouthweaterly
<br />direction dividing the prvperty of ths City o! Parie and the property ot,-Sally
<br />M. gcx,, said Foint being 2360 ft., more or 2essy northeast vY Sally Y. Fexyc+e sorth-
<br />west property corner,
<br />one ane ~h~6
<br />Not more than...... .-•--•--ap_•-• poles, stubs, and..-•--•-•..... BuY , shall be
<br />
<br />erected along the course of said line.
<br />Together with the right of ingress and egress over my (our) adjacent lands to or from said right-of-way for the purpose of
<br />constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, hanging new wires on, maintaining and removing said linE;s and appur-
<br />tenances; the right to re-locate the lines in the same relative position to the adjacent roa3 if and as widened in t:he future; and
<br />the right to remove from said land all trees and parts thereof, or other obstructions, which endanger or may interfere with the
<br />efficiency of said lines or their appurtenances.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto the said Company, its successors ancl assigns, untii
<br />aaid line shall be abandone3.
<br />And I(we) do hereby bind myself (ourselves), my (our) heirs and legal representatives, to warrant and f'orever defend
<br />ali and singular the above described easement and rights unto the said Company, its successors and assigns, against every person
<br />whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any par.t thereof.
<br />52
<br />WITNESS................ IV hand this-• lOth day oi........... 6ept ember
<br />19---•-- •
<br />CITY OF PiRI3s TMS
<br />Sealed and Delivered In The Presence of:
<br />aTTEsT: Bi:
<br />aohn W. Ail].iam., M.yor
<br />Y. F. Shelton, City Clerk.
<br />