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r . ~ , I ~ . <br />Paris,lexas <br />Jlane 2 j, 1952. <br />hffP,TUTES OF ivEETING. <br />A special meetinQ cf the Planning Com mission was held today. <br />A report was made re`arding the recent visit of representatives <br />of the C. A. A. who examined a number of building at Cox Air <br />Field, most of tiThich are in very bad state of repair. <br />Motion zvas made and duly seconded that it is the opizziam of <br />the Planning Coniission that it is very desirable that a munber <br />of the building referred to above be torn dosm and the lumber <br />as far as possible be used in making repairs and additions to <br />other buildings located on the property. This was passed <br />unanimously and it was requested that the Secretary file a <br />copy of these minutes, duly certified, with the Paris City <br />P`ana-aer who in turn vrill be asked to submit same to the City <br />Council and I:ayor. If approved by them,application should be <br />sent to the proper parties with the C.A.A. and other Govern- <br />mental Agencies askin- for permission to carry the recomnendatinn <br />into egfect. <br />There being no other bus~.:ess L:le adjourned. <br />!~L <br />hairman <br />I Secre' a~r 'y <br />