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• • <br />~~~31C)LUTiCI: 1:0. 565 . <br />iieretoio.- e, ::,;T inst;ru~:ient ua~ed 1 .arc'ri l%>G, <br />i"iie v1t~T Ol r321S a.T!Cl ~'.118 iiOUSiI1~ AUv~iOT'1t~T Oi t!1C v1t~% Ci' <br />ra-ris Liutually contrac~-u, a~re~~u, I;iaa~ anci er~tered in~o a <br />cOIr-tain "cooperation a~r'2c:::i821Lrt., 'py Liie teY'I":iS c'ZI1C1 pT'OViSlUY15 <br />Gi: -vii11C:1, c.`~:.1021,~, UtileY' t.i71?1g5, Sa1d i10Us1T1-, tlUl.ilOY'1ty tUl <br />:;ity oi Faris a,-reeci to :_ia;:e arimaal pa3rr.~lenLS in lieu of caxe; <br />at t:ze and oi tna 7- iscal ;Tear estai~lisiled for said iiousin~ <br />Autiicrity o-f the CitJ of :'aris, suc:1 arznual pay:ileTlt,S in lieu <br />Ci' taX@S LO be li1 an aTilOUY"1L equal t0 "tPil pAT' cent of tile <br />a:,bregat~a 3helt-er charbed" to its tenants during such re- <br />portel iiscal year, vahich abreerl_ent "urthar spacified and pro- <br />videcl that tne City oi Fai is shall distribute such pay:~i-_IrLs in <br />Liou of taxes bei;,•een itself and the rc'31'l:, Independent 3'ciiool <br />;, in -Uthe proport ion v,rlzich an equal a::iount oi ta1:~,s would <br />liava i~~_an assessed by such taxin~ k~ouias i~ '1.e ::ousin~ tiutl.or- <br />it;T properties aera not e..e:.:pt iroin taJiaticn; anu, <br />< ' ..ousir. tharit~r oi t'~Ie . ~aiu ri~; k~•~ y ity of raris liaa <br />on this data reported ;~7~~nt aCLuc'311y Ci1c3r'"2(.1 i1,s t.:nants <br />for tne ii-scal year l.a;% 26~, to Jun- ~'u, 1954 irL tiie <br />a~,~re,~ate a_ iount of 'I'iiJrt;--r'ive ihousarld i:ne i-iundred <br />Zilre-e 3>,13, .vC) oliars and 11as ~endare c' iLs cii;c': payabl3 <br />ta the order• oi ti~-a ~it; oi' Paris in an ai.-iour.t equal to tetz per <br />l L 'lf•- ixt~ v <br />c-,rit (l~~) t1ierao~!t, ~c-wit, iI.ousan-__l. ~'ive .:undr~7 ,a ri <br />an{? 3Gf ~O0 .30} Dollars, in payi::ent oi sucn prascribau <br />pay,_~-,-nt iii lieu of taxes lor such _'iscal yaar: <br />- i _ , 1l -m i-. ('r-,- T'Ht -i~ nT r-~~~ ,'~r~ 7 ',7,~ r 'T ' <br />L.JJl.1J~_JJ 1)1 11~'' V1~. VVl~1JV~~ vl i~J <br />r^'ilYT ...1 T.-~ ffl'l±■ , r':l:tla.l; <br />CI1 ~ Cr Fx:1J, ~~i~a('~ : l such paya~:ent in lieu of taxn sb;r <br />said ~~ousin~ nutnvrity of tl~e City of FarJ.s in tl:a tar.aereu <br />a-.lount of 'r'';irea i~lousand i'ive ::undred 0-ixteen and 3C/1GU <br />,3,>1:;.30; -.Dollar: be, ar.d ti7e sai:ie is heraqy accep-uea as its <br />prescri~Oed, stipulated and a,-reed pay:I'lent ior sucn fiscal <br />perioa iri li::u oi taxes; yurthar, irL accorlance with the ter,i:s <br />anci provi-ions of saiu above .:,~cnticned cooperation ao-rea.,~rit, <br />t~T,~ _-F'inance oij'icer oi tne 'City of Paris is nereby autiaorizod, <br />crcared anu dii;;cte~.'~ to r-::%ceiva such :.:onies into the cur-rent <br />L'und of thc "ity of ral is and concurrent t'rierewitn saia oiiicer <br />is iurti,ier directed to pay ova-r to tiie Faris Tndepenaent Scizool <br />District its ; ro rata portion tiie-raol, cor.:puted u; on th,, I-Jasis <br />oi tiie stipulation c" sucli coope-ration a~,reelent, as <br />above s tated, u,~ ing tiie ar..ount 0 _2 n'> I~~os~' / D• <br />Fasseu anu adoptau this lltii da-r oi Gctooer, 1954. <br />~ f <br /> <br />tir '„1 <br />1 ~i • <br />J71 ~ ,=~C e C~~-.: <br />Iu;,~ <br />1y1= IF=IC'v'~.) Av 'iC :'C'-:i:. : <br />~ <br />I4 <br />v 1 l~ j' K lr t~ r 11..r ~r • <br />