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• • <br />RESOi,UTION N0. U • <br />yTtEREAS, itr. F. Hicks has retired as City E,ngineer of the City of <br />Paris and ~t--has become necessary to employ another person as Direetor <br />of Public Works and City yngineer of the City of Paris, and in order to <br />obtain eompetent and efficient personnel in such position, it has been <br />necessary to increase the salary for merl,y paid for such services to <br />the said ',V. F. =icks; and vrhereas, it has also become necessW to an- <br />bloy additinal personnel , that is a Part3r ~,,'hief,, in the office of t:he <br />City Ennineer, Public '~'iorks Departnent, in order that field -vrork and <br />adqquate planning on projects of ti:e Gity of Paris may be accomplisned <br />and also it is necessary that additional s upplies, materials and <br />equipment for such work and £or the preparation and completion of per- <br />;nanent records of the Cit~r o~ Paris be purc~iasedp all of i^rhich tivere not <br />reasonablf foreseeable at the of the preparation and ndoption of <br />the current budget of said City; and <br />WyREAS, t-~e circtunstantes herein set out constitute an:'emergency <br />and orave -ublic necessity reqU.iring unforeseen items of expenditures <br />to be made; and <br />w.?T;.REAS, in accordance with the Charter of the ~ity of Paris, there <br />is on hand in the contin;ent fund an unappropriated and unencumbered, <br />balance in excess of' the amount necessary for such purposes; now there- <br />fore <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO"NCIL THE CITY OF PARSS: <br />1. That the total suri of $3095•23 be transferred from the cont,in- <br />gent fund to Account No. 4013 gigineering, Fublic W,-)rYs Department, for <br />the purposes hereinabove set out, to be used in the following manner; <br />$1075• 23 for salary of City Fngineer; $1425•00 for salar-y of a Party' <br />Ghief; and $595•00 for supplies, materials and equipment. <br />2. That the Gity lianager and Director of F-inance of the L%ity of <br />Paris be and thed are hereby authorized and directed to ef~ect such transfer <br />of funds and to cause to be made a detailed account of t:e expencLtures <br />therej'rom which shall ?;e recorded and reported as porvided in the Charter <br />of the Cit,r of Paris. <br />Passed in regular meeting of the Cit:- Council of the City o" Pexis <br />this the 12th day of P:ovember., 1951. _ <br />ATTrST: <br />mayor <br />City Glerk <br />